John Rempel

Professor, Chair
John Rempel looking over his shoulder and smiling while sitting at a table reading books

Department of Psychology

PhD, University of Waterloo

BA Honours, University of Waterloo

P: 519-884-8111 x 28212


Office: SH 2032


As a social psychologist with a focus on interpersonal relations, I have taught a variety of courses in the Department of Psychology and in the Department of Sexuality, Marriage, and the Family (SMF). Broadly speaking, my courses focus on how people interact in various social contexts. Specific courses include Social Psychology, Interpersonal Relations, Close Relationships, Human Sexuality, Psychology and Law, and Dark Side of Sexuality (with Dr. Christopher Burris).

As a researcher I count it a privilege to be able to discover new knowledge and look for answers to unanswered questions. By working in small liberal arts institution I have also had the opportunity to follow my research interests across a wide range of topics without the pressure to study topics that guarantee significant results or make publication a “sure thing”. That said, although my interests may appear eclectic, they share a common focus on trying to build and test theoretical models that address the fundamental processes of interpersonal behavior. Thus, I have theorized about, and conducted research on, both negative and positive forces in social relationships such as trust, love, hate, power and influence, social support, values, good and evil, fundamental motives, self-construal, sexual desire, and sexual violation.


The content that follows may only represent a portion of the Faculty member’s work.


Rempel, J. K. & Sutherland, S. (2016). Hate: Theory and implications for intimate relationships. In Aumer, K. (Ed.) The Psychology of Love and Hate in Intimate Relationships. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.

Rempel, J. K. (2013). The motor of love. In L. Bormans (Ed.), The World Book of Love. Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo Publishers. (ISBN-13: 9789020938135)

Burris, C. T., & Rempel, J. K. (2012). Good and evil in religion: The interpersonal context. Invited chapter to appear in The Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. New York: Oxford.


Rempel, L. A., Rempel, J. K., Khuc, T. N., & Vui, L. T. (2017) Influence of father-infant relationship on infant development: A father-involvement intervention. Developmental Psychology. doi:10.1037/dev0000390

Rempel, L. A., Rempel, J. K., & *Moore, K. C. J. (2016). Relationships between types of father breastfeeding support and breastfeeding outcomes. Maternal and Child Nutrition.

Burris, C. T., Schrage, K. M., & Rempel, J. K. (2016). No country for girly men: High instrumentality men express empathic concern when caring is “manly”. Motivation and Emotion, 40, 278-289.

Burris, C. T., Rempel, J. K., *Munteanu, A. R., & *Therien, P. A. (2013). More, more, more: The dark side of self-expansion motivation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39, 578-595.

Courses taught

PSYCH 230/LS 272: Psychology and Law

PSYCH 354: Interpersonal Relations

PSYCH 357: Psychology of Good

PSYCH 336: Special Subjects [Topic: The Dark Side of Sex]

PSYCH 459: Honours Seminar - Close Relationships

SMF 205: The Dark Side of Sexuality

Grants, fellowships and awards


Grand Challenges Canada: Saving Brains seed grant (with Dr. T.H. Bich, L.A. Rempel, & D. P. Hoa). Father involvement: Saving brains in Viet Nam (2013)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Community University Research Alliance (CURA) seed grant (with C. T. Burris, & K. Cleland Moyer). Restorative justice works: When, why and for whom. (2008)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant (with C.T. Burris) Testing a motivational theory of love and hate (2005)

Templeton Foundation Grant, Forgiveness Research Program (with C. T. Burris – accepted for funding but additional fundraising by the Templeton Foundation was unsuccessful) (1998)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant (1990-1993)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Research Grant (with J. G. Holmes) (1983-1985)


Distinguished New Contribution Award (with J.G. Holmes) presented by the International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships (1992)

Professional, administrative and community service

The content that follows may only represent a portion of the Faculty member’s work.


St. Jerome's University

Chair, Department of Psychology (January 1997-December 1999, January 2001-December 2004, January 2005-June 2007, July 2008-April 2010, July 2011-June 2013, July 2014-August 2016, January 2020-present)

Director/Chair, Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies (SMF) (1995-1999, 2008, 2021)

SMF Board/Advisory Committee (2002-2010)

Coordinate Course Evaluations (1995-2003)

Chair, Computer Committee (1995-1998)

Grant Advisor (1996-1998)


Board Member, Shalom Counselling Services (2002-2010)

Board Member, House of Friendship (1993-present)

Member of the Mennonite Central Committee Sexual Misconduct and Abuse Resource and Response Team (1995-present)