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Statistical Consulting and Survey Research Unit
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Statistical Consulting
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Frequently Asked Questions
Visitor Feedback Survey
How did you first learn about the Statistics Help Desk
Word of mouth.
The Statistics and Acturial Science department website.
Advertisement on campus.
Search engine, such as Bing or Google.
Others. Please specify.
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Please think about your last visit to the Statistics Help Desk when answering the following questions:
During your last visit, who did you talk to?
Jeremy VanderDoes
Meixi Chen
Max Chen
Yuying Huang
Minzee Kim
Yiran Wang
Others. Please specify.
Enter other…
During your last visit, was the consultant able to answer your questions?
The consultant was unable to answer any of my questions.
The consultant was able to answer some of my questions.
The consultant was able to answer all my questions.
How useful was the information provided by the consultant?
Not useful at all.
Slightly useful.
Very useful.
Extremely useful.
Overall, how was the service provided by the SCSRU?
Worse than expected.
About as expected.
Better than expected.
How likely would you be to recommend the Statistics Help Desk to colleagues or peers who needs statistical help?
Very unlikely.
Somewhat unlikely.
Neither unlikely or likely.
Somewhat likely.
Very likely.
What improvements do you think the SCSRU could make in its services?
Publish materials on statistical methodologies.
Conduct statistical workshops.
Others. Please specify.
Enter other…
Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about your experience with the consultant.
If you would like someone from the SCSRU to contact you to discuss your comments, please provide your name and preferred contact information (phone number or email address).
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