Survey Research Services Checklist

To help respond to your request effectively, please fill out this checklist to the best of your knowledge of the research at this time.

If some of the information is unknown, please leave the relevant section blank.

Please include any other investigators at UWaterloo or external to UWaterloo.
Desired survey methodology
Please select all that apply.
Will you be supplying the target respondent contact list?
Do you require quotas for any of the qualifiers?
Will you be providing incentives for the respondents to complete the survey?
Do you require the Statistical Consulting and Survey Research Unit to purchase and/or distribute the incentives?
In what language(s) will the survey be offered?
Are you applying for funding?
(i.e., abstract, grand application, draft questionaire, etc.) or please send as attachments to with subject line: checklist attachments)
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
How did you hear about the Statistical Consulting and Survey Research Unit?
Please select all that apply.