About ISSP Canada

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a cross-national collaboration programme conducting annual surveys on diverse topics relevant to the social sciences.These topics include Role of Government, Social Networks, Social Inequality, Family and Changing Gender Roles, Work Orientation, Religion, Environment, National Identity and Citizenship, Digital Societies, Leisure Time and Sports, as well as Health and Health Care.
Established in 1984 by its founding members Australia, Germany, Great Britain and the US, the ISSP has since included members covering various countries around the globe, including Canada. Its institutional members, each of them representing one nation, consist of academic organizations, universities, or survey agencies. Since its foundation, over one million respondents have participated in the surveys of the ISSP. All collected data and documentation is available free of charge.
The ISSP Canada research term currently runs the annual International Social Survey Programme in Canada, with the support of the Statistical Consulting and Survey Research Unit at the University of Waterloo and with funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). Canada has participated annually in the ISSP between 1992-2012 and between 2023-2028.
Research Team
Principal Investigator

Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme
Associate professor
Sociology and Legal Studies, University of Waterloo
Link to research profile: https://uwaterloo.ca/sociology-and-legal-studies/people-profiles/sarah-wilkins-laflamme

Benjamin Ferland
Associate professor
Political Studies, University of Ottawa
Link to research profile: https://uniweb.uottawa.ca/members/1073

Atsushi Narisada
Assistant professor
Sociology, Saint Mary’s University
Link to research profile: https://www.smu.ca/sociology/sc-faculty-staff-profiles-atsushi-narisada.html

Sam Reimer
Sociology, Crandall University
Link to research profile: https://www.crandallu.ca/staff/sam-reimer/

Kim-Lee Tuxhorn
Associate professor
Political Science, University of Calgary
Link to research profile: https://profiles.ucalgary.ca/kim-lee-tuxhorn
Research Collaborators

Lesley Andres
Educational Studies, University of British Columbia
Link to research profile: https://edst.educ.ubc.ca/andres-lesley/

Scott Bennett
Associate professor
Political Science, Carleton University
Link to research profile: https://carleton.ca/polisci/people/bennett-scott/

Antoine Bilodeau
Political Science, Concordia University
Link to research profile: https://www.concordia.ca/faculty/antoine-bilodeau.html

Dominic Duval
Social and Public Communication, Université du Québec à Montréal
Link to research profile: https://professeurs.uqam.ca/professeur/duval.dominic.2/

Sylvia Fuller
Sociology, University of British Columbia
Link to research profile: https://sociology.ubc.ca/profile/sylvia-fuller/

Allison Harell
Political Science, Université du Québec à Montréal
Link to research profile: https://professeurs.uqam.ca/professeur/harell.allison/

Edward Koning
Associate professor
Political Science, University of Guelph
Link to research profile: https://polisci.uoguelph.ca/people/edward-koning

Guy Lachapelle
Political Science, Concordia University
Link to research profile: https://www.concordia.ca/faculty/guy-lachapelle.html

Jon Pammett
Political Science, Carleton University
Link to research profile: https://carleton.ca/polisci/people/pammett-jon/

Laura Stephenson
Political Science, Western University
Link to research profile: https://politicalscience.uwo.ca/people/faculty/full-time_faculty/laura_stephenson.html

André Turcotte
Associate professor
Communications, Carleton University
Link to research profile: https://carleton.ca/politicalmanagement/people/andre-turcotte/

Stephen White
Associate professor
Political Science, Carleton University
Link to research profile: https://carleton.ca/polisci/people/stephen-white/

Rima Wilkes
Sociology, University of British Columbia
Link to research profile: https://sociology.ubc.ca/profile/rima-wilkes/
Research Partners
All ISSP data can be accessed free of charge via the GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
Each ISSP survey is administered in Canada about 2-3 years before its release as part of the larger international ISSP data file on GESIS. If you would like to access the Canada-only data before its release in the international ISSP data file, then please email principal investigator Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme to request the open access Canadian data file: sarah.wilkins-laflamme@uwaterloo.ca

Events and Resources
As ISSP Canada events (such as conference panels, webinars, etc.) are organized, and resources are produced (such as results reports, media releases, etc.), their details will be displayed here.
Contact ISSP
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You can email principal investigator Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme anytime about ISSP Canada matters: sarah.wilkins-laflamme@uwaterloo.ca