Want to get involved?
Please fill out the Faculty of Environment Graduate Mentorship Initiative to become a mentor or mentee.
What is the Graduate Mentorship Initiative?
Graduate students will be paired with one other student. Students will be asked to identify areas for which they are most interested in getting advice (mentees) or are comfortable providing advice on (mentors). This, in addition to specific requests for a mentor of a specific gender or international student status, will serve as the basis for pairing.
Students are expected to continue their mentorship commitment for one year. STEC will facilitate this relationship by hosting at least one event where mentors and mentees can interact, as well as identifying existing events that would be useful for mentor/mentee pairs to attend and, where possible, provide space for a debrief to respond to additional questions, e.g. after the scholarship session offered at the beginning of the Fall semester.
Key to the success of this program is providing mentors with the necessary information and skills to build these relationships. Mentors will be offered the opportunity to take part in the mentorship training program offered by the Student Success Office, which consists of 4 modules: (i) mentor relationship (what a mentor is/isn't, setting parameters); (ii) resources available on campus; (iii) effective communication; (iv) principles of inclusivity). This training will be supplemented by an orientation session before the start of term that provides faculty-specific information and establish the specific expectations of a ENV graduate mentor.