You can contact us for a tour of our laboratory, please contact:
Boxin Zhao
Office: E6 2012
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 38666
Interested in Joining the Surface Science and Bio-Nanomaterials Laboratory?
Our laboratory is always open to highly motivated researchers whether graduate or undergraduate students (including co-op students). We also welcome visiting scholars or exchange students who are interested in soft materials, interface and biomimetic materials. Currently, we have one post-doctoral fellow (PDF) and one graduate student position available. One postdoctoral researcher position in the area of smart polymers and functional polymer nanocomposites. The candidate needs to have demonstrated skill sets of polymer synthesis, modification and characterization, and capabilities to work effectively in a multidisciplinary team to carry out assigned research tasks. One PhD student position in the area of smart polymers, hydrogels, bio-inspired materials, and 3D printing (for enrollment in 2023). You are welcome to send your inquiry and curriculum vitae (CV) to Professor Zhao by email; however, only the shortlisted candidate will be replied for a possible interview.

Our Address
University of Waterloo - Engineering 6 - E6
259 Phillip Street
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3W8