
Prof. Paul Parker recently returned from Oklahoma, where he gave a series of three lectures at the University of Oklahoma.  Two were for students taking a course on 'Sustainability and Global Environmental Change', and were entitled, 'Sustainability Macro Solutions:  Policies and Technology', and 'Sustainability Micro Solutions:  Information, Incentives and Action'. The other was a public lecture, entitled, 'How to Turn Sustainability Research into Practice:  Reducing Carbon in Electricity and Saving Water'.

Researchers will share some aspect of their Sustainable Energy Polciy research.  We will retire to the Grad House at 6pm (approx.) for a cold beverage and to further discuss issues.  If interested in presenting, contact Ian Rowlands (  All welcome.

Researchers will share some aspect of their Sustainable Energy Policy research.  We will retire to the Grad House at 6pm (approx.) for a cold beverage and to further discuss issues.  If interested in presenting, contact Ian Rowlands (  All welcome.

Every Tuesday during term, anyone 'around' and 'interested' is encouraged to 'drop by' the research room (EV2-2003) with their brown-bag lunch and meet other researchers -- share stories (academic and otherwise!) and get to know people!

Sustainable Energy Policy at the University of Waterloo has launched a twitter account.  @SEPuWaterloo is intended to be a means of communicating our research group's activities with like-minded individuals, both with uWaterloo and beyond; additionally, it will be a means of fostering increased communication and collaboration among our members.

All those interested are encouraged to follow us!

ENV graduate students Nicholas Belanger and Junna Zhao, along with ENV  Professors Ian Rowlands and Paul Parker, will present some of their research findings at the upcoming Annual Workshop of the Ontario Network for Sustainable Energy Policy.