Launch of new survey across all Faculties. Launch of new Teaching Assessment Processes website (will house resources related to Student Course Perceptions, Peer Review of Teaching, and Teaching Dossiers). Consultations with Faculties developing tier 2 survey questions continues.
Consultations and briefings:
- Faculty of Health (development of Faculty-level questions)
- Faculty of Mathematics (development of Faculty-level questions)
- Faculty of Engineering (development of Faculty-level questions)
- Faculty of Environment (development of Faculty-level questions)
- Faculty Association of UW (FAUW) president and vice-president
- Academic Leadership Program
- Deans Council
- University Operations
Director of Teaching Assessment Processes continued to work with team to develop user guides and comprehensive website, and continued to consult with faculties interested in developing tailored survey questions. Work connecting with students began. Comparative analysis report (pilot test) was released. User guides were revised. Preparations for a Winter 2022 launch began.
Consultations and briefings:
- Faculty of Engineering (development of Faculty-level questions)
- Faculty of Environment (development of Faculty-level questions)
- Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA)
- WUSA Student Accessibility sub-committee
- Engineering Society
- Engineering Society General Council
- Academic Leadership Program
- Arts General Council
- Administrators responsible for implementing student surveys
- Senate
Related links:
CEPT 2 motion was passed by Senate (use of new SCP tool). The new Teaching Assessment Processes team began developing user guides for academic administrators and instructors. Consultations began with respect to adding additional Faculty-specific questions. Survey launch was postponed.
Consultations and briefings:
- Faculty of Engineering (development of Faculty-level questions)
- Faculty of Environment (development of Faculty-level questions)
- Senate
Related links:
CEPT2 reviewed and revised the pilot test report, and conducted consultations related to identifying the most appropriate course evaluation software.
Consultations and briefings:
- Academic Leadership Program
- Deans Council
- Board of Governors
- Senate
CEPT2 hired a research specialist who designed and conducted focus groups with students in each of Waterloo's six faculties. In November, the new survey was pilot tested alongside the Faculty-specific course evaluations (for comparative analysis).
Consultations and briefings:
- Focus groups with students in all faculties
- Committee on Student Mental Health
Related links:
Phase 1 final report was released and approved by Senate, including recommendations resulting from campus consultations. The Complementary Teaching Assessment Project Team (CTAPT)--established to explore teaching assessment tools to complement course evaluations, was approved by Senate for launch.
Related links:
CEPT1 continued to revise its recommendations based on campus consultations and research, and produced a draft final report for review. Research conducted in 2014 was published and made available (see below).
Consultations and briefings:
- Campus-wide survey and opportunity to submit comments
Related links:
- Comparing sample course evaluation questions with existing question sets used by Waterloo faculties (PDF)
- Mapping sample common scaled questions to foundational sources (PDF)
CEPT1 continued its work, producing a draft phase 1 report and draft core survey questions based on research and consultations.
Consultations and briefings:
- Key experts from various departments in the Faculty of Arts, the Survey Research Centre, Renison University College, Teaching Fellows
- Faculties: Arts, Applied Health Studies, Environment, Engineering, Mathematics, Science
- Senate
- Executive Council
- Deans' Council
- Graduate Student Association
- Federation of Students (now the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association)
- Faculty Association
The Phase 1 Course Evaluation Project Team (CEPT1) of 13 faculty and staff divided into three working groups focused on Instrument Design, Administration, and Policy (Policy was replaced by Training and Orientation in 2015). The team members conducted literature reviews, carried out internal and external environmental scans, and reviewed online course evaluation tools.