Henry the Sixth, Part One (also variously known as 1 Henry VI, Henry VI Part 1, 1H6 and even, in arguably its earliest reference, Harey Vj), is amongst Shakespeare's earliest plays (though perhaps not written before its sequels), the first in a tetralogy chronologically followed by Henry the Sixth Part Two, Henry the Sixth Part Three, and Richard the Third. A volatile piece consumed with the Hundred Years' War, fought out between France and England over the right to claim the French crown, there is much evidence to suggest that Henry the Sixth, Part One was a popular success in performance, with contemporary accounts making reference to the gallantry of brave John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, as he fought to his death at the Battle of Castillon, an episode almost 150 years removed from Shakespeare's audiences, yet still able to elicit patriotic responses. A play that examines the roots to the famous Wars of the Roses, which set the Houses of York and Lancaster against one another for control of the English monarchy, Henry the Sixth, Part One is an unjustly neglected work: rarely performed but filled with memorable characters like the brave Talbot, crafty Richard Plantagenet (Duke of York), and, of course, the famous Joan la Pucelle - Joan of Arc.
As research-in-performance, the University of Waterloo's production of Henry the Sixth, Part One looked to cast innovations, technological elements (like the stage-bound deployment of pyrotechnics and the logistics of staging siege scenes), and a sophisticated approach to stage combat in examining this challenging, fulfilling play.
Production and text dramaturgy by Toby Malone
With student research assistance from Kelsey Sewell
Check out the Dramaturgy Hub for the production.
Written by William Shakespeare
Directed by Jennifer Roberts-Smith
Performances: June 7, 19-20, 24
Venues: Helen Gardiner Phelan Playhouse; Theatre of the Arts, Modern Languages Building; McMaster University School of the Arts
Winchester and others - Sam Beuerle
Bedford/Mortimer/ Gunner of Orleans/Lucy and others - Rebecca Birrell
Gloucester and others - Jessica Blondin
York and others - Mollie Garrert
Talbot and others - Erik Van Dijk
Burgundy / Woodville / Gargave and others - Alexandra Carruthers
Dauphin / Keeper / Bassett and others – Carly Derderian
Reigner / Vernon and others - Carleigh MacDonald
Warwick / Warder / Glansdale and others - Daniel Ruginets
Suffolk / Salisbury and others - Cameron Smith
Bastard / Mayor of London and others - Adam Winchester
Henry VI / Gunner’s Boy and others - Celena Alcock
Somerset and others - Chantaine Green-Leach
Countess of Auvergne / Young John Talbot / Margaret and others - Emma Mann
Joan of Arc and others - Alan Shonfield
Creative Team
Director – Jennifer Roberts-Smith
Dramaturg – Toby Malone
Assistant Dramaturg – Kelsey Sewell
Scenographer – Paul J. Stoesser
Costume Designer – Sharon Secord
Fight Director – Daniel Levinson
Acting Coach – Paul Hopkins
Assistants to Fight Directors - Caitlyn Derderian, Derrick Rabethge
Production Team
Production Manager – Janelle Rainville
Technical Director – Gill Lesperance
Stage Manager – Zac Gungl
Carpentry and Sound Coordinator – Cameron Jolliffe
Props and Paint Coordinator – Chelsea Vanoverbeke
Wardrobe Coordinator – Alice Wang
Lighting Coordinator – Alyssa Almeida
Special Thanks
Paul J. Stoesser
Daniel Levinson
Peter Freund
Mark Haasnoot
Amaka Ejitzu
Daniel Ruginets
Bianca Hossain
Kevin Quarmby
Lisa Matsumoto
Bill Chesney
Christopher Sutherland
Sandy Thi
Karolina Szymczyk
Caitlyn Derderian
Derrick Rabethge
Taras Cymbalisty
PLS- Poculi Ludique Societas
Peter Cockett
McMaster School of the Arts
Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Toronto