A full description of this grant, including eligibility and requirements, can be found here.
What kinds of projects does the GSF seek to fund?
Any new project that advances innovative healthcare solutions or transforms health through technology. Some suggested research areas include assistive technology, community-based health care delivery with technology or data, health data, data science applied to health, AI approaches to health, health technology, data and ethics, health technology innovation, human-centred health, point-of-care diagnostics, therapeutic robotics, virtual care and wearable technology.
How big should my research team be?
The minimum size for a research team is two. Collaborations with healthcare partners and collaborators in the region of Waterloo are required for the second round of applications. Collaborations across disciplines and/or Faculties are strongly encouraged and prioritized.
How many rounds will there be for the GSF grants? Number of approved applications?
GSF will run for 5 years, with one cycle of funding per year, starting in the Fall. If funds remain, a mid-year competition may be held. There is some flexibility with regard to the number of approved applications based on the quality of the proposals received and the annual budget.
What is the budget limit for a project?
GSF operates with an annual budget of $235,000. Grantees receive up to $25,000 for new projects for a one-year period to support highly qualified personnel (HQP) related expenses.
What are eligible expenses?
The fund is primarily intended to support HQP related expenses. Allowable expenses are direct costs which include salaries, benefits and student payments, costs to support the participation of clinicians, patients or community members in the research, minor equipment, materials and supplies, and travel and knowledge mobilization.
When do applications open for the second round of applications?
October 17, 2023
What is the submission deadline for the second round of applications?
December 18, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET
When will I be notified of the results?
February 2024
When will the funds be released?
Winter 2024
How long is the term of the grant?
One year. A one-year extension is available on request.
Do I need to have Office of Research Ethics approval before I submit the proposal?
No. However, appropriate ethics approval must be obtained before relevant project tasks are initiated, or awarded funds are released. Refer to UW’s guidelines for Research Involving Human Participants and/or Guidelines for the Care and Use of Animals in Research and Teaching.
How do I access the funds from my awarded grant?
GSF will work with your departmental administrator to initiate a transfer of funds.
What are the elements of a complete application?
The application package must have the Graham Seed Fund Application Form, Waterloo Coversheet for Sponsored Research, and the Lead PI’s focused CV (2 to 3 pages). You are required to complete and submit the Electronic Coversheet for Sponsored Research for approvals prior to submission of the proposal to the grant. No need to send a copy of your approved coversheet with your application package. State whether the coversheet has been approved or in the process of approval in the application form.
I am a current recipient of the award. Can I apply for the next cycle?
No. Current holders of the award are not eligible to apply for the next cycle as the Lead PI. That is, first cycle holders cannot apply to the second cycle. However, they can participate as a collaborator on projects.
Who are the review committee members?
Graham Trust Committee members, Waterloo faculty, Waterloo EDI staff and healthcare stakeholders.
How are proposals reviewed?
Proposals are screened for eligibility and completeness before they undergo a multidisciplinary and a strategic review. A decision on funding is then made. Note that projects involving Indigenous research will also undergo an Indigenous review.
Whom should I contact for further information?
Please contact httsf@uwaterloo.ca for further inquiries. For assistance on developing collaborative research partnerships with clinicians and healthcare providers in the region of Waterloo (Round 2), please contact Nadine Quehl, Senior Manager, Knowledge Mobilization and Partnerships (nquehl@uwaterloo.ca) for local hospitals and Yibei Zhao, Research Development Officer, Health Initiatives (yibei.zhao@uwaterloo.ca) for the KW4 Ontario Health Team.