Bruce Hellinga


Bruce Hellinga is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo where he teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses in the areas of transportation and economics and conducts and supervises applied and fundamental research. His main areas of expertise include traffic flow theory and modeling, transit operations, traffic engineering and  Intelligent transportation systems (ITS). His particular focus is evaluating the traffic operational, economic, safety, and environmental impacts of various traffic and transit management strategies traffic surveillance technologies and ITS components, including ramp metering, automatic incident detection, intelligent traffic signal control, variable speed limit control, intelligent speed adaptation, vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications, and traveler information.

Dr. Hellinga has over 20 years of experience in the field of traffic engineering and ITS and during that time has authored more than 125 refereed technical publications. Dr. Hellinga has conducted fundamental and applied research for and in partnership with a wide range of public and private sector entities.