Call for Papers: 34th Canadian Military History Colloquium

Sunday, March 3, 2024 11:59 pm - 11:59 pm EST (GMT -05:00)
Text: The Royal Canadian Air Force at 100, on top of painting of a soldier

"The Survivor," by Flight Lieutenant Eric Aldwinckle. [Canadian War Museum Beaverbrook Collection of War Art, 19710261-1284]

Hosted by the Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada, the 34th Canadian Military History Colloquium will be held in-person at Wilfrid Laurier University on 3-4 May 2024.

Conference organizers invite submissions on all periods and aspects of Canadian military history and war and society, but especially on the history and centenary of the RCAF.

Proposals are welcome from all scholars including students, faculty and independent researchers.

To apply, send a~300 word abstract and short bio to

Application deadline: 3 March 2024.

For updates and additional information on the conference, visit the conference website.