Tara Abraham
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- History of Medicine
- History of Psychiatry
- History of Science and Technology
- History of the Human Sciences
Kim Anderson
Associate Professor, Department of Family Relations & Applied Nutrition
Research areas:
- Indigenous gender, families and well-being
- Urban Indigenous peoples
Ben Bradley
Assistant Professor, History
Research Areas:
- modern Canada
- public pasts, commemoration, heritage sites and museums
- tourism, travel, mobilities
- cultural landscapes
- environmental history
Catherine Carstairs, F. R. S. C.
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Gender History
- Food History
- History of Health and Medicine
- Alcohol and Drug History
William S. Cormack
Professor, History; Undergraduate Program Co-Advisor
Research areas:
- The French Revolution
- Eighteenth-century France
- Modern Europe
- Revolutions and revolutionaries in the modern world
Susannah Ferreira
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- medieval and early modern Portugal and Spain
- Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions
Eric Fillion
Assistant Professor, School of Languages and Literatures; Director, International Institute for Critical Studies in Improvisation
Research Areas
- Cultural history
- Festival studies
- Public diplomacy
- Quebec and the Francophonie
- Social movements
James E. Fraser
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- Textual sources and early medieval northern Britain
- Links between Ireland and northern Britain
- Early medieval society
- The historiography of early medieval northern Britain
Peter A. Goddard
Director, Tri-U Grad History Program; Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- early modern French religious, cultural and intellectual
- early modern theories of origins
- early modern missionary activity
Matthew Hayday
Professor, History; Chair of the Department at Guelph
Research areas:
- Canadian political history
- Quebec and French Canada
- Public policy
- Social movements
- Commemorations and celebrations
Kris Inwood
Professor, History; Economics and Finance
Research areas:
- Canadian history
- Comparative colonial histories
- Industrialization;
- Inequality
- Health and well-being
- Gender
- Aboriginal peoples
- Social and economic history
- Population history
Kevin James
Professor, History; Scottish Studies Foundation chair
Femi J. Kolapo
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- War and society in precolonial sub-Sahara Africa
- Christian missionary and west African communities before colonization
- Slavery, the slave trades and post-abolition in Africa
Sofie Lachapelle
Professor, History; Dean of Arts, Laurier
Research areas:
- history of science, culture, and entertainment
- history of religion and science
- history of modern France
Brittany Luby
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- Indigenous history in North America
- Canadian history
- Anishinaabe studies
- environmental history
- industrialization of the Canadian boreal forests and subarctic
- industrial water pollution
- Indigenous economies and labour
- Indigenous health and wellness
- Indigenous education
- oral history
- ethnohistory
- Anishinabek pedagogy
Linda Mahood
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Canadian and British social history
Kimberley Martin
Assistant Professor, History
Research areas:
- serendipity in the historical research process
- digital history
- digital humanities
- gender and technology
- role of Makerspace in academia
Stuart McCook
Professor, History
Research areas:
- history of tropical agriculture, especially export commodities.
- botany, agriculture, and nation-building in the Greater Caribbean
- environmental history of tropical crops — especially to a series of catastrophic plant diseases that afflicted almost every major tropical crop, starting in the mid-nineteenth century
- the coffee leaf rust
- global history
- commodity history
- the history of science
- technology
- medicine
- disease and history
- the history of natural disasters
- Latin American history
Alan McDougall
Professor, History; Graduate coordinator
Research areas:
- modern Germany
- modern Europe
- history of sport
- film and history
Jacqueline Murray
University Professor Emerita, History
Research areas:
- medieval social and ecclesiastical history
- history of sexuality
- women in the Middle Ages
Susan Nance
Professor, History
Research areas:
- animal history
- environmental history
- live performance and communication
- entertainment and information industries
- American in the world
- North American West
Jesse Palsetia
Professor, History
Karen Racine
Professor, History; Undergraduate Program Co-Advisor
Research areas:
- Latin America
- British Cultural Influence in the Independence era
- Atlantic World 1750-1850
- travel, exile, national identity, patriotism, liberation
- Robert Southey and the Luso-Hispanic World
- Joel R. Poinsett in South America
- Francisco Xavier Mina (biography)
Norman Smith
Professor, History
Alex Souchen
Assistant Professor, History/History of Science
Research Areas:
- History of Science and Technology
- War and Society
- Environmental History
- Consumption, Waste, and Pollution
- History of the Oceans
- First and Second World Wars
- 20th Century Canadian History
Cathryn Spence
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- economic and social history of women and gender in late medieval and early modern Scotland
- urban and economic history
- impact of gender and socioeconomic status when navigating economic relationships in early modern Western Europe
Catharine Wilson, F.R.S.C.
University Professor Emerita, History; Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of the Agricultural History Society. Retired 2024.
Research areas:
- Canadian rural history
- Irish immigration to Canada
- early settlement
- local history
Renée Worringer
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Islamic history
- Middle East history

Talena Atfield
Canada Research Chair in Tentewatenikonhra'khánion (We Will Put Our Minds Together); Assistant Professor, History
Research, Teaching, and Supervision Interests:
- Hodinohso:ni history and culture
- Indigenous tangible and intangible cultures in collections
- The history of collecting Indigenous cultures on Turtle Island
- Beadwork, tufting, quillwork, leatherwork, regalia-making
- Languages of material cultures
- Teioháte kaswenta (Two Row Wampum) – Covenant Chain methodology
Steven Bednarski
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Social history of crime and gender, 14th and 15th centuries
- Geographic focus: Provence, south of England
- Provence: Reads criminal trials and notarial registers. Extracts lessons on wife assault, child abuse, adultery and illicit sexuality, gender norms, pedagogy, and women’s healthcare.
- England: Contemplates changes to natural environment and their impact on lived human experiences, particularly in and around Herstmonceux manor, East Sussex
Gary Bruce
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Modern German history
- Surveillance and opposition in 20th century Germany
- Animal-human relations in 19th and 20th century Germany
- East Germany
- Holocaust
- Nazi Germany
Katherine Bruce-Lockhart
Associate Professor, History; Associate Chair, Undergraduate
Research areas:
- Global history
- History of prisons and punishment
- African history
- Gender history
- Social history
- Critical archive studies
- Oral history
Dan Gorman
Professor, History; Chair of the Department at Waterloo
Research areas:
- British Empire
- Modern Britain
- International relations
- History of global governance
Kimie Hara
Professor, East Asian Studies
Research areas:
- Modern and contemporary international relations of the Asia-Pacific region
- Diplomatic history of Japan
Geoffrey Hayes
Professor, History; On Sabbatical
Research areas:
- Canadian military history
- Peacekeeping
- Afghanistan
- Canadian military leadership
- Digital history and mapping
- 120 Squadron, Royal Air Force (1941-1945)
Over the last decade, I have led veterans, their families, teachers and students to study the battlefields of Northwest.
Andrew Hunt
Professor, History;
Research areas:
- 1980s
- American film
- American identity/patriotism
- The American West
- Anticommunism
- California history
- Conservatism
- Nonviolence
- Popular culture
- Ronald Reagan/the Reagan presidency
- Social protest movements
- Veterans
- The Vietnam War
Greta Kroeker
Associate Professor, History
Kristina R. Llewellyn
Adjunct professor, History
Professor of History and Wilson College of Leadership and Civic Engagement, McMaster University
Alternative email: kristina.llewellyn@mcmaster.ca
Ian Milligan
Professor, History; Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and Analysis
Research areas:
- Canada
- Digital
- Social movements
Bruce Muirhead
Professor; Associate Vice-President, External Research
David Neufeld
Assistant Professor, History
Research Areas:
- Religion and Society in Early Modern Europe
- Anabaptists and Anabaptism
- The History of Archives
Jane Nicholas
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Canadian women’s and gender history
- The history of the body
- Canadian cultural history
Troy Osborne
Dean, Conrad Grebel University College; Associate Professor of History
Research areas:
- Early Modern European religious and cultural history
- The Dutch Republic
- Mennonite history
Douglas Peers, FRHS
Professor, History
Research areas:
- British Empire
- India since 1700
- Britain since 1750
- Transnational/global history
- Historiography
David Porreca
Cross-Appointed to History; Co-Director Medieval Studies
Research Area:
- Medieval intellectual history, especially the reception of the pagan Classical tradition in the Christian Middle Ages.
Julia Roberts
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- Early Canadian colonial society, especially the concepts and actualities of public space and public life
Christopher Taylor
Assitant Professor, History; Associate Vice-President, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
Research Interests
- Race and Racism
- Black Canadian history
- Caribbean history
- Slavery in the Americas
- The African and Black Diasporas
- Black identity
- Migration
- Anti-racism
- Diversity and Inclusion
- Multiculturalism
Ryan Touhey
Associate Professor, History; Chair, Department of History, St. Jerome's University

Gavin Brockett
Associate Professor, History and Religion and Culture; Co-Coordinator, Muslim Studies Option; Global Engagement Liaison, Laurier International
Research areas:
- History of modern Turkey.
- International Islam in the twentieth century.
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
- Active learning in the humanities.
Tarah Brookfield
Professor, History/Youth and Children's Studies
Research areas:
- Canadian history
- Cold War history
- History of children and youth
- Women's history
Blaine Chiasson
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- Modern Chinese history
- Russian émigré history
- History of Beijing military occupation
Cynthia Comacchio
Professor Emerita, History (Ret. 2022)
Research areas:
- History of children and youth in Canada.
- History of gender and families in Canada.
- The sociocultural impact of war in Canada.
Alternate email: ccomacchio@gmail.com
Adam Crerar
Associate Professor, History
Darryl Dee
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- French history
- Military history
- Social history
Karljürgen Feuerherm
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- Semitic language and literature
- Ancient history
- Computer science
Judith Fletcher
Professor, History and Ancient Studies
Research areas:
- Crime and justice in ancient Greece.
- Ancient Greek language and literature.
- Gender and sexuality in the ancient world.
- Underworlds in Contemporary Culture
Leonard G. Friesen
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Russian and Soviet history, most especially in the Social History of Southern Ukraine (New Russia)
- Russian writer Fedor Dostoevsky
- History of Russian Mennonites
Jeff Grischow
Professor, History; Associate Director, Tshepo Institute for the Study of Contemporary Africa
Research areas:
- African history.
- History of disability.
- Idea and practice of development.
Christina Han
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- cultural and intellectual history of East Asia
- art history of East Asia
- literary history of China and Korea
- philosophy and religions of East Asia
Mark Humphries
Professor, History; Graduate coordinator
Research areas:
- First World War
- Medical history
- History of mental illness
If you are interested in contacting Dr. Humphries for research reasons, please use this email address: mhumphries@wlu.ca
Rob Kristofferson
Professor, Social and Environmental Justice/History
Research areas:
- Canadian history
- labour and working class history
- business history
- class formation
- social movements
- labour studies
- globalization
Sofie Lachapelle
Professor, History; Dean of Arts, Laurier
Research areas:
- history of science, culture, and entertainment
- history of religion and science
- history of modern France
Lianne C. Leddy
Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Histories and Historical Practice in Canada; Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- Indigenous history in Canada
- Indigenous peoples and the environment
- Gender and Indigenous peoples
Amy Milne-Smith
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Nineteenth-century British and Imperial history
- Cultural history
- History of masculinity
- History of mental health
- Crime and deviancy
David Monod
Professor, American Social and Cultural History
Research areas:
- American cultural history
- Development of popular entertainment in the nineteenth century
- Vaudeville
- U.S. cultural diplomacy in the early Cold War
- History of the Blues
- Music in WWI
- Modernism and the evolution of retailing
Darren Mulloy
Professor, History
Research areas:
- Post-1945 U.S. history.
- Political radicalism in the United States.
- American film and popular music.
Susan Neylan
Associate Professor, History
Research areas:
- History of Indigenous peoples in Canada
- Indigenous-Church relations in British Columbia in the 19th and 20th centuries
- Canadian history
Chris L. Nighman
Professor, History; Coordinator, Medieval and Medievalism Studies Program
Research areas:
- Medieval Latin florilegia
- Preaching at the Council of Constance (1414-18)
- Digital humanities
Eva Plach
Associate Professor, History
Roger Sarty
Professor Emeritus, History (Ret. 2022)
Research areas:
- Canadian military history.
- History of the First and Second World Wars.
- Canadian foreign and defence policy.
David Smith
Associate Professor, History; Chair of the Department at Laurier
Research areas:
- British history
- business history
- legal history
Kevin Spooner
Associate Professor, North American Studies, History; Director, Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada (LCSC)
Research areas:
- Canadian foreign policy
- International peacekeeping
- identity and Canadian studies
Geoff Spurr
Associate Professor, History; Program Coordinator, History, Brantford
Gary Warrick
Professor Emeritus, History and Indigenous Studies; Retired 2020
Research areas:
- archaeology and history of Iroquoian-speaking peoples in Ontario, particularly the Wendat and Haudenosaunee
- historical archaeology of Six Nations and Mississauga in the Grand River Valley
- archaeology of the Huron-Wendat in Simcoe County
- history of the Bushmen in the Drakensberg, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Dana Elizabeth Weiner
Associate Professor, History; Undergraduate Officer, History, Ancient Studies, and Applied Digital Programs
Research areas:
- Colonial and United States history to 1880
- African American history
- Activism, rights, and citizenship in United States history
- Race in the early U.S. Midwest/Old Northwest, California, and the West