
University of Guelph logo

Kim Anderson

Associate Professor, Department of Family Relations & Applied Nutrition

Ben Bradley

Assistant Professor, History

William S. Cormack

Professor, History; Undergraduate Program Co-Advisor

Susannah Ferreira

Associate Professor, History

James E. Fraser

Associate Professor, History

Peter A. Goddard

Director, Tri-U Grad History Program; Associate Professor, History

Matthew Hayday

Professor, History; Chair of the Department at Guelph

Kris Inwood

Professor, History; Economics and Finance

Femi J. Kolapo

Professor, History

Sofie Lachapelle

Professor, History; Dean of Arts, Laurier

Brittany Luby

Associate Professor, History

Kimberley Martin

Assistant Professor, History

Stuart McCook

Professor, History

Alan McDougall

Professor, History; Graduate coordinator

Susan Nance

Professor, History

Karen Racine

Professor, History; Undergraduate Program Co-Advisor

Alex Souchen

Assistant Professor, History/History of Science

Cathryn Spence

Associate Professor, History

Catharine Wilson, F.R.S.C.

University Professor Emerita, History; Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Fellow of the Agricultural History Society. Retired 2024.
University of Waterloo logo

Talena Atfield

Canada Research Chair in Tentewatenikonhra'khánion (We Will Put Our Minds Together); Assistant Professor, History

Steven Bednarski

Professor, History

Gary Bruce

Professor, History

Dan Gorman

Professor, History; Chair of the Department at Waterloo

Kimie Hara

Professor, East Asian Studies

Geoffrey Hayes

Professor, History; On Sabbatical

Andrew Hunt

Professor, History; Associate Chair & Student Advisor (Undergraduate Studies)

Kristina R. Llewellyn

Professor, Social Development Studies

Ian Milligan

Professor, History; Associate Vice-President, Research Oversight and Analysis

Jane Nicholas

Professor, History

Troy Osborne

Dean, Conrad Grebel University College; Associate Professor of History

Douglas Peers, FRHS

Professor, History

David Porreca

Cross-Appointed to History; Co-Director Medieval Studies

Julia Roberts

Associate Professor, History

Susan Roy

Associate Professor, History; Associate Chair (Graduate) Waterloo

Alexander Statiev

Associate Professor, History

Christopher Taylor

Assitant Professor, History; Associate Vice-President, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism
Laurier with gold leave and Wilfrid Laurier University (logo)

Gavin Brockett

Associate Professor, History and Religion and Culture; Co-Coordinator, Muslim Studies Option; Global Engagement Liaison, Laurier International

Tarah Brookfield

Professor, History/Youth and Children's Studies

Blaine Chiasson

Associate Professor, History

Cynthia Comacchio

Professor Emerita, History (Ret. 2022)

Adam Crerar

Associate Professor, History

Darryl Dee

Associate Professor, History

Judith Fletcher

Professor, History and Ancient Studies

Leonard G. Friesen

Professor, History

Jeff Grischow

Professor, History; Associate Director, Tshepo Institute for the Study of Contemporary Africa

Christina Han

Associate Professor, History

Mark Humphries

Professor, History; Graduate coordinator

Rob Kristofferson

Professor, Social and Environmental Justice/History

Sofie Lachapelle

Professor, History; Dean of Arts, Laurier

Lianne C. Leddy

Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Histories and Historical Practice in Canada; Associate Professor, History

Amy Milne-Smith

Professor, History

David Monod

Professor, American Social and Cultural History

Darren Mulloy

Professor, History

Susan Neylan

Associate Professor, History

Chris L. Nighman

Professor, History; Coordinator, Medieval and Medievalism Studies Program

Eva Plach

Associate Professor, History

Roger Sarty

Professor Emeritus, History (Ret. 2022)

David Smith

Associate Professor, History; Chair of the Department at Laurier

Kevin Spooner

Associate Professor, North American Studies, History; Director, Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada (LCSC)

Gary Warrick

Professor Emeritus, History and Indigenous Studies; Retired 2020

Dana Elizabeth Weiner

Associate Professor, History; Undergraduate Officer, History, Ancient Studies, and Applied Digital Programs

Suzanne Zeller

Professor Emerita, History