Kimie Hara

Professor and the Renison Research Professor in East Asian Studies

Contact Information | Tel: 519-884-4404 ext. 28660


PhD - Australian National University


Research Interest

  • Modern and Contemporary international relations of the Asia/Indo-Pacific Region
  • Cold War
  • Regional conflicts
  • International security
  • Multilateralism
  • Japanese politics and diplomacy

Selected Publications

Single Authored Books:

Cold War Frontiers in the Asia-Pacific: Divided Territories in the San Francisco System, Routledge, 2007 (hardback) 247pp.; 2012 (paperback), 254pp.

『サンフランシスコ平和条約の盲点 - アジア太平洋地域の冷戦と「戦後未解決の諸問題」を考える』渓水社 (Blind Spots of the San Francisco Peace Treaty: Re-thinking the Cold War in the Asia-Pacific Region and the “Unresolved Problems” since the Second World War, Keisui-sha, 2005 (hardback), 315pp.; 2012 (revised softcover edition), 320pp.

Japanese-Soviet/Russian Relations since 1945: A Difficult Peace, Routledge, 1998 (hardback), 279pp.; 2012 (e-book edition), 296pp.

Edited Volumes:

Japan's Future and a New Meiji Transformation: International Reflections. (with Ken Coates, Carin Holroyd and Marie Söderberg), Routledge, 2019 (hardback & e-book), 2021 (paperback), 212pp.

The China-Japan Border Disputes: Islands of Contention in Multidisciplinary Perspective (with Tim Liao, Krista Wiegand), Routledge/Ashgate, 2015 (hardback); 2018 (paperback), 202pp.

The San Francisco System and Its Legacies: Continuation, Transformation and Historical Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific, Routledge, 2015 (hardback); 2017 (paperback), 290pp.

East Asia-Arctic Relations: Boundary, Security, and International Politics (with Ken Coates), Centre for International Governance Innovation, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2014, 200pp.

Shifting Regional Order in East Asia: Past, Present and Future – Proceedings, Belair Centre for East Asian Studies, Renison University College/University of Waterloo, Pandora Press, 2010, 336pp.

『「在外」日本人研究者がみた日本外交』藤原書店 (Kimie Hara ed., Japanese Diplomacy through the Eyes of Japanese Scholars Overseas, Fujiwara-shoten), 2009, 310pp. 

Northern Territories, Asia-Pacific Regional Conflicts and the Aland Experience: Untying the Kurillian Knot, Asia’s Transformation Series, Routledge, 2009 (hardback), 145pp.; 2013/2016 (paperback), 152pp. (with Geoffrey Jukes).

New Initiatives for Solving the “Northern Territories” Issue between Japan and Russia: An Inspiration from the Åland Experience, Issues & Insights No. 04 – 07, Pacific Forum CSIS, 2007, 121pp. (with Geoffrey Jukes).

Recent Chapters/Papers in Edited Volumes and Journal Articles:

하라 키미에(原貴美恵), “샌프란시스코 강화조약과 동아시아 영토갈등의 기원 특별기고 (Special Contribution to the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Origin of East Asian Territorial Conflicts)”, 영토해양연(Territorial Ocean Research) Vol.22, December 2021, pp.6-21 (in Korean)

Territorial Disputes” Hiroko Takeda & Mark Williams eds., Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Japan, Routledge, 2021, pp.232-246.

「主権を自治で相対化する島・オーランド」、 高木彰彦他編、『現代地政学辞典』、丸善出版。(“Åland - Islands that relativize sovereignty in autonomy”, Akihiko Takagi eds., Modern geopolitical dictionary, Maruzen Shuppan, 2020, pp.102-103.

“The “Northern Territories” Problem: Continuing Legacy of the San Francisco System”, Nobuo Shimotomai and Dmitri Streltsov eds., A History of Russo-Japanese Relations: Over Two Centuries of Cooperation and Competition, Brill, 2019, pp.557-576.

“Introduction: Japan’s Future: International Reflections on the Prospects for a “New Meiji” Transformation” (with Ken Coates, Carin Holroyd and Marie Söderberg), in Coates, Hara, Holroyd and Söderberg eds.,Japan's Future and a New Meiji Transformation: International ReflectionsRoutledge, 2019, pp.1-6.

“Japan and Security in East Asia: Finding Connections with Europe and Canada” in Coates, Hara, Holroyd and Söderberg eds., Japan's Future and a New Meiji Transformation: International Reflections, Routledge, 2019, pp.55-64. 

"Takeshima/Dokdo Problem in the San Francisco System: Reconsidering its Origin and Settlement in a Multilateral Framework", Korean Journal of International & Comparative Law No.4, 2016, pp.22-42. 

「北方領土問題」、五百旗頭真、下斗米伸夫、アレクセイ・トルクノフ、ドミトリー・ストレリツォフ編『日露関係史-パラレル・ヒストリーへの挑戦』東京大学出版会  (“Northern Territories Problem” in Nobuo Shimotomai and Dmitri Strelitsov eds., History of Japan-Russia Relations: a challenge to the parallel history), Tokyo University Press, 2015, pp.621-640.

"Северные Территории вопрос,” Российско-японскиеотношения в формате параллельной истории: коллективная монография / под общ. ред. акад. А.В.Торкуноваи проф. М.Иокибэ; [науч. ред.: проф. Д. В. Стрельцови доц. С. В. Гришачев]; Моск. гос. ин-т междунар. отношений (ун-т) МИД России; Ассоциация японоведов. — М. : МГИМО-Университет (“Northern Territories Problem” in Nobuo Shimotomai and Dmitri Strelitsov eds, Russo-Japanese Relations in parallel history format: monograph collections) Foreign Ministry of Russia; Association of Japanese Studies; Moscow State Institute of International Relations/MGIMO (Russian version), 2015, pp.871-900. 

“The San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Regional Conflicts: The Cold War Legacies”, in Mikyoung Kim ed., Routledge Handbook of Memory and Reconciliation in East Asia, Routledge, 2015, pp.357-371.

「継続するサンフランシスコ体制 ― 政治・安全保障・領土」、成田龍一・吉田裕編『記憶と認識の中のアジア・太平洋戦争 ― 岩波講座アジア太平洋戦争 戦後篇』、岩波書店 (“Continuing San Francisco System – Politics, Security and Territories” in Ryuhei Narita and Hiroshi Yoshida eds., The Asia-Pacific War in Memory and Recognition ― Iwanami Series on the Asia-Pacific War, Post-War volume, Iwanami Shoten) 2015, pp.67-96.

Japan-Russia: Northern Territories/Southern Kuriles Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly ed., Border Disputes: A Global Encyclopedia, ABC-CLIO, 2015, pp.288-297.

“Introduction” in Liao, Wiegand and Hara eds., China-Japan Border Disputes: Islands of Contention in Multidisciplinary Perspective (with Tim Liao, Krista Wiegand), Routledge/ Ashgate, 2015 (hardback); 2018 (paperback), pp.1-11.

“Okinawa, Taiwan, and the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in United States–Japan–China Relations”, in Liao, Wiegand and Hara eds., China-Japan Border Disputes: Islands of Contention in Multidisciplinary Perspective (with Tim Liao, Krista Wiegand), Routledge/ Ashgate, 2015 (hardback); 2018 (paperback), pp.37-55.

“Introduction: The San Francisco System and Its Legacies in the Asia-Pacific”, in Hara ed., The San Francisco System and Its Legacies: Continuation, Transformation and Historical Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific, Routledge, 2015 (hardback); 2017 (paperback), pp.1-19.

“Preparing Ideas for Future: Envisioning a Multilateral Settlement”, in Hara ed., The San Francisco System and Its Legacies: Continuation, Transformation and Historical Reconciliation in the Asia-Pacific, Routledge, 2015 (hardback); 2017 (paperback), pp.264-271.

"Okinawa, Taiwan, and the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in United States–Japan–China Relations", The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol. 13, Issue 28, No. 2, July 13, 2015.

Grants & Fellowships

Professor Hara’s research projects have been funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, the Centre for International Governance Innovation, University of Waterloo, University of Calgary, Killam Foundation (Canada); the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, the Japan Foundation, the Matsushita International Foundation (Japan); the East-West Center, Freeman Fellowship, the Social Science Research Council (USA); the Northeast Asian History Foundation (Republic of Korea); and the Australian National University (Australia).

She has held visiting Fellowships/Professorships at Kyoto University, Kyoto Sangyo University, University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Okayama University (Japan); Wuhan University (China); International Institute for Asian Studies/the University of Amsterdam (the Netherland); Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (France); East-West Center (USA); Stockholm University (Sweden); and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Science (Russia).

Courses Taught

  • EASIA 277R - International Relations of East Asia

  • EASIA 300R - Politics and Diplomacy of Contemporary Japan

  • EASIA 375R - Studies of East Asia

  • PSCI 685/HIST 691 - Directed Studies (Graduate) in History and Political Science