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Amir Al-Azraki
Associate Professor, Coordinator of Studies in Islamic and Arab Cultures

519-884-4404 ext. 28671
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Amir Al-Azraki
Mizue Atkinson
Tutorial Instructor, Japanese Language and Culture Studies
Eri Burns
Tutorial Instructor, Japanese Language and Culture Studies
Grace (Youngjoo) Cho
Tutorial Instructor, Korean Language and Culture Studies
Douglas E. Cowan
Professor, Religious Studies, Social Development Studies

519-884-4404 Ext. 28607
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Douglas E. Cowan
Wendy Fletcher
Professor, Religious Studies and History

519-884-4404 ext.28636
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Wendy Fletcher
Asma Ghanem
Sessional Lecturer, Studies in Islamic and Arab Cultures
Link to profile:
Asma Ghanem
Young-Lee Ha
Definite Term Lecturer, Coordinator of Korean Language and Culture Studies
Link to profile:
Young-Lee Ha
Kimie Hara
Professor, Renison Research Professor for East Asian Studies
Angie Jeong
Sessional Lecturer, English Language Studies
Marc Jerry
President and Vice-Chancellor, Renison University College
Youngoak Kang
Tutorial Instructor, Korean Language and Culture Studies
Young Gon Kim
Sessional Lecturer, Korean Language and Culture Studies | Director, King Sejong Institute
519-884-4404 ext. 28662
Link to profile:
Young Gon Kim
Kumiko Kunizane
Continuing Lecturer, Coordinator of Japanese Language and Culture Studies
519-884-4404 ext. 28661
Link to profile:
Kumiko Kunizane
Candace Maracle
Sessional Lecturer, Mohawk Language (Kanien’kéha)
Mehrnoush Mohammadi
Sessional Lecturer, English Language Studies
Kristiina Montero
Vice President, Academic and Dean | Professor, Applied Language Studies
Mizusa Morii
Sessional Lecturer, Japanese Language and Culture Studies
Vinh Nguyen
Associate Professor, East Asian Studies, English Language and Literature

519-884-4404 ext. 28727
Link to profile:
Vinh Nguyen
Maria Pop
Sessional Lecturer, English Language Studies
Christa Schuller
Continuing Lecturer, English Language Studies | ELS Coordinator & Graduate Student Advisor
519-884-4404, ext. 28677
Link to profile:
Christa Schuller
Fumie Shimoda
Continuing Lecturer, Japanese Language and Culture Studies, East Asian Studies
519-884-4404 ext. 28756
Link to profile:
Fumie Shimoda
Pat Skinner
Continuing Lecturer, English Language Studies | EMLS Undergraduate Advisor
519-884-4404 ext. 28664
Contact for:
EMLS undergraduate student advising
Renjie Tang
Sessional Lecturer, East Asian Studies
Michiyo Uchida
Sessional Lecturer, East Asian Studies
519-884-4404 ext. 28661
Anthony Verbruggen
Sessional Lecturer, English Language Studies
Georgia Whalen
Sessional Lecturer, American Sign Language
Julia Williams
Chair, Department of Culture and Language Studies | Coordinator, Applied Language Studies

519-884-4404 ext. 28658
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Julia Williams
Kent Williams
Definite Term Lecturer, English Language Studies

Link to profile:
Kent Williams
Jeff Wilson
Professor, East Asian Studies, Religious Studies
519-884-4404 ext. 28625
Contact for:
Religious Studies, East Asian Studies
Link to profile:
Jeff Wilson
Link to personal webpage:
Jeff Wilson
Agnieszka Wolczuk
Continuing Lecturer, English Language Studies | EMLS Learning Outcomes Project Coordinator

519-884-4404 ext. 28684
Link to profile:
Agnieszka Wolczuk
Hyesoo Yang
Tutorial Instructor, Korean Language and Culture Studies
Roslyn Zehr
Sessional Lecturer, English Language Studies
Cindy (Huaping) Zhuang
Definite Term Lecturer, Chinese Language and Culture Studies, East Asian Studies

Link to profile:
Cindy (Huaping) Zhuang