Kent Williams

Definite Term Lecturer, English Language Studies
Kent Williams headshot

Contact Information


Dr. Kent Williams has been a Lecturer in the department of Culture and Language Studies at Renison University College at the University of Waterloo since 2017. He received the Renison University College Teaching Excellence Award in 2019. While teaching full-time, he completed his PhD in Applied Linguistics at Carleton University in 2020. His research focuses on the development and assessment of L2 speech fluency and pronunciation, and the use of computer-assisted language learning tools for assessment for learning purposes. His most recent work was published in System, which is a top-tier journal within the field of Applied Linguistics. Prior to coming to Waterloo, he taught for many years across the globe, including several stints in South Korea, Vietnam, and the Czech Republic. In his spare time, he enjoys playing and writing music, and spending time with his wife, step-daughter, and pets.


PhD in Applied Linguistics, Carleton University

MA in TESL/Applied Linguistics, Brock University

BFA in Music, York University


Applied Language Studies

APPLS 306 – Language Assessment and Testing

APPLS 391 – Intermediate Topics: Phonetics

Arts First

ARTS 140 – Language Learning Truths (specifically designed for EMLS students)

English for Multilingual Speakers

EMLS 601 – Speaking English for Professional Purposes

EMLS 621 – Speaking Effectively about Research

EMLS 103 – Effective English Pronunciation

EMLS 101 – Oral Communications for Academic Purposes



Renison University College Teaching Excellence Award – 2019

Selected Conference Presentations

  • Williams, K. (2022, October). Using Auto Analysis to measure fluency and intelligibility gains [Paper presentation]. TESL Ontario Online Virtual Conference.
  • Williams, K. (2019, December). Developing a rating scale to assess speech fluency [Paper presentation]. TESL Ontario. Toronto, Canada.
  • Williams, K. (2018, November). Examining speech fluency development during repetitive interactive tasks [Paper presentation]. Toronto, Canada
  • Williams, K. (2016, September). Exploring perceptions of second language speech fluency. [Paper Presentation]. Second Language Research Forum, New York, United States
  • Williams, K. (2016, June). Exploring perceptions of second language speech fluency. [Paper Presentation] 19th Warwick International Postgraduate Conference in Applied Linguistics, Coventry, United Kingdom