Speaking Through The Past conference banner

Speaking Through the Past schedule and panels

8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration


Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre

8:30 am - 10:15 am Session 1

1A - On Multiple Fronts: Experiencing the World Wars


Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre


Eric Story, PhD, Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada

Presenters and Titles

  1. Oakes, Emily. "Centering Equines in the Study of the Soldier-Horse Relationship During the First World War."
  2. Scott, Abby. “Our Gallant Allies: The French and British in the opening phase of the First World War”.
  3. Coudenys, Ethan. "The League of Indians and Frederick Loft: A Case Study in Indigenous Veteran Activism."
  4. Morrison, Kelly. "British 'Home Child' Experience in Canada’s World Wars as Reflected in an Oral History Interview."

1B - Youth and Culture


Arts Building, Room 1C17


Tarah Brookfield, Associate Professor, Laurier

Presenters and Titles

  1. Mayer, Sofia. "Reflections of Race: Unpacking the 1964 Yearbook at the University of Guelph."
  2. Wineland, Allie. Theme: Activism at the University of Guelph during the 1990's.
  3. Suderman, Kara. Theme: Canadian University Students and the Korean War.
  4. Trivino, Christine. Theme: The cultural dimensions of the Vietnam War.

1C - Digital History


Arts Building, Room 1C16


Matthew Robertshaw, Sessional Instructor, Laurier

Presenters and Titles

  1. Baer-Tsarfati, Lisa. "History in the Digital Age: Context, Moderation, and Advocacy in the Fight Against Misinformation."
  2. Tardiff, Jordan. "Archival Research Ethics: The Digital Divide, the AI Gap and Digital Colonization."       
  3. Zoricic, Vera. "Metadata and Method: Digital-Material Gestalt as a Framework for Historical Inquiry and Interpretation."

10:15 am - 10:30 am Break


Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre

10:30 am - 12:00 pm Session 2

2A - Roundtable: The DRAGEN Lab at UWaterloo: Digital Humanities and Experiential Learning


Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre


Gillian Wagenaar, PhD candidate, Waterloo

Roundtable participants

  1. Murad Alizada-Hamidlinski
  2. Kian Drew
  3. John Loudfoot
  4. Jordan Tardif

2B - Constructing Local Histories


Arts Building, Room 1C17


Adam Crerar, Associate Professor, Laurier

Presenters and Titles

  1. Fookes, Bram. "St. Vincent, Before and After."
  2. McConnell, John. “In Their Own Words: Conducting Interviews to Reconstruct the Closure of a Shipyard in Collingwood, Ontario.”
  3. Chevalier, Étienne. "The Establishment of Montpellier’s Draperie Jurée Through the Lens of a Late 15th-Century Manuscript."

2C - Historical Tensions: Identities and Institutions


Arts Building, Room 1C16


Mark Humphries, Professor, Laurier

Presenters and Titles

  1. VanDerAa, Ann. "United in Faith, Divide on the 'Issue.'"
  2. Walsh-Murray, Sebastian David.  "Deadly Definitions: Language and Identity in the Path to the Holocaust."
  3. Gamble, Megan. "Women, Emotion, and Covenanting Dissent."
  4. Norton, Chase Grant. “'For the Common Man' - Patrick J. Buchanan and Kevin P. Phillips: Populist Conservatives during the Ascendancy of the American Right.”

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch and Keynote

Catherine Carstairs


"Discriminating Sources: Yearbooks and Admission Records as a Window into the Student Experience."

Dr. Catherine Carstairs, F. R. S. C, University of Guelph


Senate Chambers

Keynote chair

Kess Carpenter, PhD candidate, Laurier


Welcome & Opening


Presentation by Dr. Catherine Carstairs

Essay prize winners announced

Dr. Peter Goddard



Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre

Pizza sliced

Photo by Ivan Torres on Unsplash

1:30 pm - 3:15 pm Session 3

3A - Re-thinking the Archive


Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre


Blaine Chiasson, Associate Professor, Laurier

Presenters and Titles

  1. Holland, Olivia. "The Power of Language: An Exploration of the Ethical Implications of Archival Description."
  2. Humeniuk, Michael. "The Brotherhood of History: Assassins Creed and the Production of History to a New Generation."
  3. Sweeny-McCabe, Rosalind & Weizman, Aviva. "Productive Uncertainty: Developing a resource for design historians."
  4. Zettle, Jamie. "Wartime memoirs as corrective instruments: A methodological approach to balance admission to queer experience in contradictory primary sources."

3B - Hearing History


Arts Building, Room 1C17


David Monod, Professor, Laurier

Presenters and Titles

  1. Firth, Aly. “Symphonies of Hope: The Emotional Impact of Music in the Warsaw Ghetto."
  2. Clarke, Robyn Marie. "'She's Telling All the World:' The Agency and Legacy of Female Beatles Fan in Beatles Monthly Correspondence."
  3. Johnson, Michelle. "This is Our Life:  Song Lyrics as Historical Material, The Tragically Hip, and The Boys Club of Rock and Roll."

3C - Global and Colonial History


Arts Building, Room 1C16


Eric Story, PhD, Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada

Presenters and Titles

  1. Alfarra, Miar. "Interwoven Systems of Settler-Colonialism and Solidarity: Fostering Connections Through Solidarity."

  2. Gupta, Avishi. "Mobilizing ‘with’ Women: A Study of Consciousness-Raising and Formation of Feminist Protest Spaces in Post-Emergency India (1978-2005)."

  3. Huang, Cat. "Captivity and the Senses: Reinterpreting the Barbary Raids of Iceland and the British Isles through Sensory History."

  4. Ramey, Catherine. "(En)Gendering the Curriculum: Canadian Missionary Schooling in Central Angola, 1880-1920."

3:15 pm - 3:30 pm Break


Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre

3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Session 4

4A - Indigenous History


Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre


Susan Neylan, Associate Professor, Laurier

Presenters and Topics

  1. Best, Cecilia. "Read, Bead, Atlas.ti, Smudge, Repeat: Indigenous Research Methods in Canadian History Graduate Studies."
  2. Cerullo, Anthony. "Stories from Wallflowers to Fields: The Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre and Curating Liminal Space Between Indigenocentric and Eurocentric Initiatives of Reclaiming Space and Telling Stories."
  3. Kupis, Dorota. "The Legitimacy of Indigenous Archives, Reconciliation, and Historians at a Crossroads."

4B - Gender and Bodies


Arts Building, Room 1C17


Kess Carpenter, PhD candidate, Laurier

Presenters and Topics

  1. Jones, Sasha. "No fertile Moisture, no prolific Juice”: Hair as a Sexual Extension of the Male Body in Eighteenth-Century England."
  2. Turkstra, Ally. "Code Red: The Historiography of Menstruation Since the Cultural Turn."
  3. Di Castri, Julia. Theme: Scottish Female Body (1890s).

4C - Material History


Arts Building, Room 1C16


Peter Goddard, Associate Professor and Tri-U Director, Guelph

Presenters and Topics

  1. Guertin, A.J. "Material Culture Medieval Queens."
  2. Siebel-Achenbach, Ellen & Ciocci Adirana. “'I Spread Ink with Skill'—Reconstructing Early Modern Ink Balls."
  3. Zehr, Rachel. “'Send Me the Turkeys, As You Have So Many': A Material Culture Study of Food Items in the Letters of Teresa of Avila."
  4. Rubino, James. "A Bitter Crossroads: Existential Anxiety and Aesthetics in William Ryland’s 1823 Scottish Tour."