Speaking Through the Past schedule and panels
8:00 am - 8:30 am Registration
Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre
8:30 am - 10:15 am Session 1
1A - On Multiple Fronts: Experiencing the World Wars
Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre
Eric Story, PhD, Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada
Presenters and Titles
- Oakes, Emily. "Centering Equines in the Study of the Soldier-Horse Relationship During the First World War."
- Scott, Abby. “Our Gallant Allies: The French and British in the opening phase of the First World War”.
- Coudenys, Ethan. "The League of Indians and Frederick Loft: A Case Study in Indigenous Veteran Activism."
- Morrison, Kelly. "British 'Home Child' Experience in Canada’s World Wars as Reflected in an Oral History Interview."
1B - Youth and Culture
Arts Building, Room 1C17
Tarah Brookfield, Associate Professor, Laurier
Presenters and Titles
- Mayer, Sofia. "Reflections of Race: Unpacking the 1964 Yearbook at the University of Guelph."
- Wineland, Allie. Theme: Activism at the University of Guelph during the 1990's.
- Suderman, Kara. Theme: Canadian University Students and the Korean War.
- Trivino, Christine. Theme: The cultural dimensions of the Vietnam War.
1C - Digital History
Arts Building, Room 1C16
Matthew Robertshaw, Sessional Instructor, Laurier
Presenters and Titles
- Baer-Tsarfati, Lisa. "History in the Digital Age: Context, Moderation, and Advocacy in the Fight Against Misinformation."
- Tardiff, Jordan. "Archival Research Ethics: The Digital Divide, the AI Gap and Digital Colonization."
- Zoricic, Vera. "Metadata and Method: Digital-Material Gestalt as a Framework for Historical Inquiry and Interpretation."
10:15 am - 10:30 am Break
Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Session 2
2A - Roundtable: The DRAGEN Lab at UWaterloo: Digital Humanities and Experiential Learning
Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre
Gillian Wagenaar, PhD candidate, Waterloo
Roundtable participants
- Murad Alizada-Hamidlinski
- Kian Drew
- John Loudfoot
- Jordan Tardif
2B - Constructing Local Histories
Arts Building, Room 1C17
Adam Crerar, Associate Professor, Laurier
Presenters and Titles
- Fookes, Bram. "St. Vincent, Before and After."
- McConnell, John. “In Their Own Words: Conducting Interviews to Reconstruct the Closure of a Shipyard in Collingwood, Ontario.”
- Chevalier, Étienne. "The Establishment of Montpellier’s Draperie Jurée Through the Lens of a Late 15th-Century Manuscript."
2C - Historical Tensions: Identities and Institutions
Arts Building, Room 1C16
Mark Humphries, Professor, Laurier
Presenters and Titles
- VanDerAa, Ann. "United in Faith, Divide on the 'Issue.'"
- Walsh-Murray, Sebastian David. "Deadly Definitions: Language and Identity in the Path to the Holocaust."
- Gamble, Megan. "Women, Emotion, and Covenanting Dissent."
- Norton, Chase Grant. “'For the Common Man' - Patrick J. Buchanan and Kevin P. Phillips: Populist Conservatives during the Ascendancy of the American Right.”
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch and Keynote

"Discriminating Sources: Yearbooks and Admission Records as a Window into the Student Experience."
Dr. Catherine Carstairs, F. R. S. C, University of Guelph
Senate Chambers
Keynote chair
Kess Carpenter, PhD candidate, Laurier
Welcome & Opening
Presentation by Dr. Catherine Carstairs
Essay prize winners announced
Dr. Peter Goddard
1:30 pm - 3:15 pm Session 3
3A - Re-thinking the Archive
Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre
Blaine Chiasson, Associate Professor, Laurier
Presenters and Titles
- Holland, Olivia. "The Power of Language: An Exploration of the Ethical Implications of Archival Description."
- Humeniuk, Michael. "The Brotherhood of History: Assassins Creed and the Production of History to a New Generation."
- Sweeny-McCabe, Rosalind & Weizman, Aviva. "Productive Uncertainty: Developing a resource for design historians."
- Zettle, Jamie. "Wartime memoirs as corrective instruments: A methodological approach to balance admission to queer experience in contradictory primary sources."
3B - Hearing History
Arts Building, Room 1C17
David Monod, Professor, Laurier
Presenters and Titles
- Firth, Aly. “Symphonies of Hope: The Emotional Impact of Music in the Warsaw Ghetto."
- Clarke, Robyn Marie. "'She's Telling All the World:' The Agency and Legacy of Female Beatles Fan in Beatles Monthly Correspondence."
- Johnson, Michelle. "This is Our Life: Song Lyrics as Historical Material, The Tragically Hip, and The Boys Club of Rock and Roll."
3C - Global and Colonial History
Arts Building, Room 1C16
Eric Story, PhD, Laurier Centre for the Study of Canada
Presenters and Titles
Alfarra, Miar. "Interwoven Systems of Settler-Colonialism and Solidarity: Fostering Connections Through Solidarity."
Gupta, Avishi. "Mobilizing ‘with’ Women: A Study of Consciousness-Raising and Formation of Feminist Protest Spaces in Post-Emergency India (1978-2005)."
Huang, Cat. "Captivity and the Senses: Reinterpreting the Barbary Raids of Iceland and the British Isles through Sensory History."
Ramey, Catherine. "(En)Gendering the Curriculum: Canadian Missionary Schooling in Central Angola, 1880-1920."
3:15 pm - 3:30 pm Break
Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Session 4
4A - Indigenous History
Senate and Board Chambers, Paul Martin Centre
Susan Neylan, Associate Professor, Laurier
Presenters and Topics
- Best, Cecilia. "Read, Bead, Atlas.ti, Smudge, Repeat: Indigenous Research Methods in Canadian History Graduate Studies."
- Cerullo, Anthony. "Stories from Wallflowers to Fields: The Shingwauk Residential Schools Centre and Curating Liminal Space Between Indigenocentric and Eurocentric Initiatives of Reclaiming Space and Telling Stories."
- Kupis, Dorota. "The Legitimacy of Indigenous Archives, Reconciliation, and Historians at a Crossroads."
4B - Gender and Bodies
Arts Building, Room 1C17
Kess Carpenter, PhD candidate, Laurier
Presenters and Topics
- Jones, Sasha. "No fertile Moisture, no prolific Juice”: Hair as a Sexual Extension of the Male Body in Eighteenth-Century England."
- Turkstra, Ally. "Code Red: The Historiography of Menstruation Since the Cultural Turn."
- Di Castri, Julia. Theme: Scottish Female Body (1890s).
4C - Material History
Arts Building, Room 1C16
Peter Goddard, Associate Professor and Tri-U Director, Guelph
Presenters and Topics
- Guertin, A.J. "Material Culture Medieval Queens."
- Siebel-Achenbach, Ellen & Ciocci Adirana. “'I Spread Ink with Skill'—Reconstructing Early Modern Ink Balls."
- Zehr, Rachel. “'Send Me the Turkeys, As You Have So Many': A Material Culture Study of Food Items in the Letters of Teresa of Avila."
- Rubino, James. "A Bitter Crossroads: Existential Anxiety and Aesthetics in William Ryland’s 1823 Scottish Tour."