Curiosity and Resolve: Women Scientists in Twentieth-Century Canada

Thursday, February 10, 2022 12:30 pm - 12:30 pm EST (GMT -05:00)

Dr. Matthew Wiseman

Matthew Wiseman photo in circle on green square background

, Banting Fellow at St. Jerome's University

Women played an active and influential role in the progression of scientific research in twentieth-century Canada, but silences in the historical record often incorrectly overshadow or ignore women's involvement in and contributions to science.Using gender-based analysis of the National Research Council, this talk will investigate women's professional work and experiences as scientists in the twentieth century.

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Matthew S. Wiseman is a Canadian historian whose research concentrates on science, technology, and medical research ethics. He received his PhD from Wilfrid Laurier University, held successive postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Toronto and Western University, and currently holds a Banting Fellowship at St. Jerome's University.

Western History Research Seminar Series