Russ Freure successfully defended his PhD thesis, "A Modern American Conservative: How Ronald Reagan Legitimized the Religious Right and Helped Reshape the American Zeitgeist," on April 15, 2021. His dissertation explores the ascent and convergence of three twentieth century phenomena – Ronald Reagan, modern American conservatism, and right-wing Christianity – which combined to bring about a remarkable shift in the American zeitgeist during the 1980s, characterized by a fusion of conservative religion and politics. In doing so, Russ' research offers a more nuanced interpretation of Reagan’s political philosophy and, in connection, his administrations’ (1981-1989) relationship with the Religious Right and its role in advancing the movement’s moral agenda.
Having just recently finished a research contract, Russ is working on adapting his dissertation for a more general readership and exploring publication opportunities. He is also looking into potential post-docs with the intent of furthering his research into Reagan’s identification with modern American conservatism and the ways in which his approach to policy reflected both schools of intellectual thought - classical liberalism and traditional conservatism - that comprised the ideology.
"I feel extremely fortunate to have been a part of the Tri-U Program in History at UW," says Russ. "From my field seminars through my research and teaching, the resources available through the three universities and the invaluable guidance and generous support of the departments' faculty and staff provided me the tools to succeed. Along with my committee members, Dr. John Sbardellati and Dr. Roger Sarty, I’m particularly grateful to have worked with my supervisor, Dr. Andrew Hunt."
I feel extremely fortunate to have been a part of the Tri-U Program in History at UW. From my field seminars through my research and teaching, the resources available through the three universities and the invaluable guidance and generous support of the departments' faculty and staff provided me the tools to succeed.