TUGSA Elects 2023 - 2024 Co-presidents

Monday, November 20, 2023

New Co-Presidents were elected by their peers earlier this Fall 2023 to lead the Tri-U Graduate Students Association (TUGSA).

Kess Carpenter takes on a second term in the role as co-president representing Wilfrid Laurier University where they are a PhD candidate. Their research specializes in the history of gender and sexuality, cultural history, and the Cold War. Currently they explore the intersections between culture, politics, activism, and pornography in 1980s America.

Raymond (Rui) Li joins as a first-year Ph.D. student at the University of Guelph. Raymond's research interests lie in the history of modern Northeast Asia, especially the ideological propaganda issues of Manchukuo, Japan and China. Raymond is interested in the rise and dissemination of nationalism and feminism in modern Northeast Asia, and their effects in modern Asian societies.

Vera Zoricic is a second-year PhD student studying at the University of Waterloo. Her research focuses on the digitization of the black freedom struggles during the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. She is particularly interested in how the issues of race, class, and gender intersect to shape individual and group experiences in Canada and the United States.

"TUGSA offers a great way for students to interact and form relationships outside of academia through fun avenues like hikes and trivia nights," says Kess.

"These activities not only enable us to have fun, but also build a community to help combat long stretches of graduate school that can at times be quite isolating. I'm glad that through TUGSA, we're able to help students come together, build a social and professional network, and foster supportive peer relationships," Kess continues.

"I envision a collaborative community of students who come together to enrich their life experiences at the Tri-U," adds Vera.

Raymond brings an international perspective to the role. "As co-president from Guelph, I hope to bring a global perspective to the Tri-University History program, so that more graduate students will be able to put the discipline of history into a global perspective. I will also strive to participate in international history conferences and workshops to enhance the international reputation of the Tri-University History program," Raymond says.

Plans for activities include a history trivia night before the Winter break -- with prizes! A Winter hike is planned for early 2024, inspired by the hike early in the Fall semester at Huron Natural Area that included a "lovely patio meal at Ethel's Lounge in Waterloo."

Hosting Virtual Graduate Student Research Panels was an initiative begun by Kess and their fellow co-presidents, Catherine Ramey and Jake McIvor in 2022-23. "We've had some fantastic panels and student research discussions, including Indigenous history and the history of gender and sexuality." The panel on Researching Gender included all three current co-presidents as presenters.

Catherine Ramey (ceramey@uwaterloo.ca) continues to coordinate the panels. If students are interested in participating in future panels, please contact them.

TUGSA is on Instagram: @triu_gsa where students are invited to stay up-to-date on future panels, student activities, and events. 

Kess Carpenter

Kess Carpenter

Raymond Li


Vera Zoricic

Vera Zoricic