Jake McIvor

MA Student
Jake McIvor

Pronouns: he/him

Home University: Guelph

Email: jmcivor@uoguelph.ca

Education: BA (Hons) History, Guelph

Supervisor: Catherine Carstairs and Adam Davies

Jake graduated with a B.A. in History from University of Guelph in 2019, specialising in Chinese History. After briefly studying in a master’s program at Fudan University in Shanghai and working through the pandemic, he has returned to Guelph and is enrolled in the Collaborative Specialisation of Gender, Sexuality, and Bodies. His research focuses on critical masculinity studies in relation to climate change and geoengineering, aided by his supervisors Dr. Carstairs and Dr. Davies. Jake intends to complete a Major Research Project (MRP). He currently holds the position of Co-President for the Tri-University Graduate Student Association.