Home University: University of Waterloo
Email: michael.humeniuk@uwaterloo.ca
Education: BA (Hons) & MA History, (Brock)
Research Fields: Canadian History; Indigenous History; Race, Imperialism, and Slavery
Supervisor: Susan Roy
Michael Humeniuk is a PhD Candidate at the University of Waterloo. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 2020, and Master of Arts in 2021 respectively at Brock University. For his Master's research, he analyzed the 1980-82 Constitution Express Movement as a case study of successful pan-Indigenous activism in the era of Red Power and argued that the movement was instrumental in ensuring the inclusion of section 35 of the 1982 Canadian Constitution. Michael plans to build upon this research for his PhD, studying the intersection of Indigenous "Red Power" activism with "Black Power" and Civil Rights Movement activism in the United States within the broader context of global activism in the second half of the 20th century, coined by Brian Palmer as the "Global Sixties". Beyond his studies, Michael is an avid Blue Jays fan, photographer, bookworm, and movie enthusist; his favourite genre's include horror, mystery, and sci-fi/fantasy.