Home University: University of Waterloo
Email: vzoricic@uwaterloo.ca
Education: BA, History, Philosophy, French; B.Ed Intermediate/Senior History/French; MA History, MLIS all from Western University.
Research Fields: Cold War Era; Race, Imperialism, and Slavery; Digital History
Supervisor: Ian Milligan
Vera is a PhD student studying at the University of Waterloo. She holds an Education degree and a Master of Library of Information Science degree from Western University. Vera engages in Digital History and works under the supervision of Dr. Ian Milligan. Her dissertation focuses on the digitization of the Black freedom struggles in Canada and the United States during the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Vera examines the construction of cultural memory and ever-changing digital archives. She is particularly interested in which historical documents are prioritized for digitization and how this affects the creation and interpretation of events. She is also interested in advancing interdisciplinary cooperation and preserving cultural heritage through the digitization of microfilm newspapers. Vera holds a Doctoral Canada Graduate Scholarship awarded by the Social Sciences Humanities and Research Council and a President’s Graduate Scholarship from the University of Waterloo.