Monday, March 2, 2015
Our lab is proud to introduce the Spitfire Ace Ultrafast Amplifier, a premier addition to our laser technology portfolio. With its exceptional power and stability, this system is ideally suited for advanced research that requires precise control and high performance across a variety of applications.

General Information
- One of the most technically advanced Ti:Sapphire regenerative amplifiers available on the market
- Broad range of absorption bands and is easily adjustable over a broad band of emission wavelengths
- Operates on a low noise level
- Stable Optical Parametric Amplifier performance and harmonic conversion
- The regenerative cavity process a beam power of more than 5W at 1,5 and 10kHz with excellent quality (frequencies are adjustable and not limited to the numbers above)
- Guaranteed to operate over hundreds of hours without effecting the performance
- Non-linear Optics
- Coherent control
- Time Resolved Spectroscopy
- Four Wave Mixing Spectroscopy
- Multi-colour Pump-probe Spectroscopy
- Material Processing
- Optical Parametric Amplification