Debéda, H. ., Santawitee, O. ., Grall, S. ., Rua-Taborda, M.-I. ., Fernandes, E. ., Salehian, A. ., Thanachayanont, C. ., Chung, U. ., Elissalde, C. ., & . (2020). Printed piezoelectric PZT thick films implemented for sensors and energy harvester: some routes of process simplification and performances inprovement. 3rd Annual International Workshop of the French Chapter of IEEE Sensors Council. Presented at the.
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Martin, B. ., & Salehian, A. . (2020). Techniques for approximating a spatially varying Euler-Bernoulli model with a constant coefficient model. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 79, 260-283.
Qian, Y. ., Salehian, A. ., Han, S.-W. ., & Kwon, H.-J. . (2020). Design and analysis of an ultrasonic tactile sensor using electro-mechanical analogy. Ultrasonics, 105, 106129.
Yerrapragada, K. ., & Salehian, A. . (2019). Coupled dynamics of cable-harnessed structures: Experimental validation. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 141.
Lao, S. ., Edher, H. ., Saini, U. ., Sixt, J. ., & Salehian, A. . (2019). A novel capacitance-based in-situ pressure sensor for wearable compression garments. Micromachines, 10, 743.
Debéda, H. ., Rua, I. ., Fernandes, E. ., Salehian, A. ., Chung, U. ., Elissalde, C. ., & . (2019). Printed Au/PZT/Au/SS multilayer cantilever: Application to MEMS piezoelectric vibration energy harvester. Workshop En Microsistemas Y Nanotecnología Y Asamblea Anual De IBERNAM. Presented at the.
Agrawal, P. ., & Salehian, A. . (2019). Vibration analysis of cable-harnessed plate structures. Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV, 7-11.
Yerrapragada, K. ., & Salehian, A. . (2019). Analytical Study of Coupling Effects for Vibrations of Cable-Harnessed Beam Structures. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 141, 031001.
Martin, B. ., & Salehian, A. . (2019). Continuum modeling of nonperiodic string-harnessed structures: Perturbation theory and experiments. AIAA Journal, 57, 1736-1751.
Yerrapragada, K. ., & Salehian, A. . (2018). Coupled Bending, Torsion and Axial Vibrations of a Cable-Harnessed Beam With Periodic Wrapping Pattern. ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, V008T10A030-V008T10A030. American Society of Mechanical Engineers.