Water Economics Research Group (WERG)

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The Water Economics Research Group (WERG) at the University of Waterloo aims to promote the use of economic models, methods and policy instruments in integrated water resources management. Led by Economics Professor Roy Brouwer, the Executive Director of the University of Waterloo's Water Institute, the main research interests of WERG are in water resource economics, in particular water resource valuation, hydro-economic modelling and water policy instruments to support sustainable water resources management in Canada and elsewhere.


Water economics students visit a local wastewater treatment plant.

In an era defined by the complex interplay of climate change, population growth, and globalization, efficient and equitable management of water resources is more crucial than ever. Water scarcity, pollution, and unequal access to water and sanitation have emerged as pressing issues, underscoring the necessity for a well-prepared workforce armed with a deep understanding of water economics.

Ecuadorians voted on Sunday to stop an oil-drilling project in the Yasuni region of the Amazon with 59% voting yes on a proposition that will end the practice.

Dr. Roy Brouwer, an environmental economist at the University of Waterloo, who conducted a study on the economic value of the Amazon rainforest, says that Indigenous populations tend to place an extremely high value on the environmental sanctity of the forest. 

“They've lived in the Amazon for 11,000 years. How are you going to compensate these people by taking away their livelihood, cutting the forest and having them move out of the area where they live for 11,000 years? There's no monetary compensation for that.”

Read the full article in Time here.