WATLab has a new website and new tools!
The WATLab website has been reworked to comply with web accessibility standards under Ontario law. We are slowly learning the new WCMS 3 system and we ask our users to be patient with us as there will likely be some instability in this process. Please report anything unusual to Nina.
WATLab has started the process of adding two new tools this year: a micro XRF system and an advanced Raman confocal system. Both will extend what we can currently do at WATLab. The new XPS system and the upgraded SIMS system (installed in 2023) have been working well, and we welcome new samples. We have also installed a new source in the Libra 200 MC TEM system, which has significantly improved the image quality. WATLab looks forward to assisting all our users in need of these and other advanced tools at WATLab.