Tuesday, May 6, 2014
A new ambassador and role model for women in engineering has joined the illustrious list of Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation scholarship recipients. The Foundation is proud to announce that Clarisse Schneider, a second year Software Engineer at the University of Waterloo, has been named the inaugural 2014 Allstream Information and Communication Technology Engineering Scholarship Winner.

Clarisse Schneider presenting to a group of high school girls at the Catalyst Conference.
This prestigious $5,000 scholarship is awarded annually to the most promising woman interested in the information and communication technology engineering field at the university level.
Clarisse Schneider is a second year software engineer who has an affinity for visual presentation and user interfacing. Among her many accomplishments, she has founded a campus user experience group named WaterlUX, that provides students the opportunity to learn front-end design and workflows outside the classroom and workplace.
After receiving funding from the Dean, she attended a local user experience (UX) conference where she was able to meet and connect with like-minded professionals and increase WaterlUX’s visibility off-campus. She also volunteers for open houses providing tours for prospective students and participates in the Engineering Shadow Program mentoring high school girls.
Ms. Schneider explains, “My goal is to promote the possibilities in information and communication engineering programs to young women and encourage them to achieve the unthinkable; to be successful as a female in technology.”
Since 1990, the Foundation has been promoting engineering as a career choice for young Canadian women through its extensive scholarship program, a website that attracts thousands of new visitors a month, social media programming, and scholarship winner presentations to high school students.
On behalf of everyone at Allstream, I want to congratulate Clarisse on winning this year’s Information and Communication Technology Engineering Scholarship. Encouraging young women to pursue careers in engineering benefits them and contributes to Canada’s technical leadership. That’s why Allstream is proud to participate in this way. - Michael Strople, President, Allstream
Ms. Schneider will receive her scholarship certificate at the CEMF Networking and Award Event held in conjunction with the Engineers Canada AGM Saint John, New Brunswick in May.
I have been a volunteer and a scholarship judge for the Foundation for almost 20 years and each time I review the applications I am truly amazed by the successes, accomplishments and potential of each applicant. It is so important that we work to ensure that women engineers have every opportunity to contribute to the future of Canadian society and that more young women consider engineering as a career through interaction with exceptional engineering students like you. We are all very proud thatyou are one of our 2014 ambassadors – congratulations Clarisse. - Deborah Wolfe, P.Eng., CEMF President