New initiative to connect undergrad and graduate students on math projects

Thursday, April 21, 2022

2 women at a chalkboard doing math
The new WiM Directed Reading Program (DRP) initiative aims to provide undergraduate students the opportunity to work with a graduate student on a mathematical project. This project could be an introduction to cutting-edge research, setting up the groundwork for a thesis or research project, or a casual survey of an article that would be intimidating to cover on one’s own.

Each undergraduate (or a team of 2) will be paired with a graduate student based on the survey responses and their preferences for the project. Every week the undergrad will read through some text (roughly 1-2 hours of independent study) and meet with the graduate student once a week for an hour (or, if preferred, bi-weekly for two hours) to discuss any questions/ideas. In the middle of the term, we will have a mini-workshop on a topic related to presenting mathematics, such as LaTeX (the typesetting system for mathematics. At the end of the term, we will have another workshop where each undergraduate student will give a 10-15 minute presentation on something interesting they have learned to all DRP mentors and mentees.

There will be other social activities during the term for all groups to socialize and exchange ideas. Each mentee will receive mentoring one-on-one or in teams of two mentees per mentor, experience communicating mathematics, and a certificate letter from the WiM committee which they can use in their CV distinguishing them as a bright and curious individual. This is a great way to explore new mathematics and meet new mathematicians!

The program is open to current undergraduate students at every stage of their studies who identify as women or under-represented gender identities.

If you are interested in participating in the DRP program during Spring 22 term, please fill out this form before April 28, 2022.