How do I make a final decision?

If you’ve been thoughtful and intentional throughout the recruitment process, you’ll likely have a good sense of who to hire. To help with your final hiring decision, see the below strategies to verify if the candidate(s) you want to hire will be a good fit.

  • Review your interview notes 

    • Check your notes and the grades you assigned to each candidate. Look out for any details you may have forgotten or overlooked, and/or any possible interview bias. Then, take a holistic perspective of the candidate and think back to your goal of finding a candidate who 1) meets the minimum requirements (i.e. they do the job) and are 2) the right fit for the team. 

  • Talk with the other interview panelists 

    • After the interviews are complete, meet with the other interview panelists to go over your notes and impressions. If there isn't consensus around the stronger candidates, your notes and systems will help guide the discussion. Remember to look out for unconscious bias. 

  • Go back to the essential features of the position 

    • Review the essential features of the job and consider which candidates fit the following descriptions: 

      • Has the skills and strengths to be successful in the position. 

      • Is most similar to the ideal candidate for the position. 

      • Will be able to get up to speed quickly. 

  • Examine your own expectations 

    • WIL students can make really meaningful contributions to your organization, but they likely won't have the same experience, knowledge, or skill level as a regular hire. If you're having trouble making a decision, check in to make sure your expectations are reasonable. 

  • If you're hiring through a Rank and Match Process 

    • Some WIL programs, like the University of Waterloo’s Co-operative Education program use a Rank and Match process to match students with jobs. Before you submit rankings, review the process to ensure you're in the best position to match with your chosen candidate(s). 

    • If you’d like to learn more about Waterloo’s Rank and Match process, read “Rank interviewed candidates”.