Writing and Communication Centre

GIF of dancing multicoloured backpacks followed by a series of the word backpack in multiple languages, followed by "whatever you call it, we've got your back", followed by the writing and communication centre's logo

The University of Waterloo Writing and Communication Centre is a hub of communication and writing practice, support, and research on campus. Writing a paper? Designing a portfolio? Giving a presentation? From brainstorming to revision, understanding your assignment to presenting your work, we are here to support you in any discipline, at any stage of the communication process.

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It is with great pleasure that we welcome Julie Anne Nord to our team as the new Writing and Communication Advisor for our Undergraduate Programs. With her impressive background in teaching and writing, we are excited to see her take on this new role.

Julie's passion for teaching and writing began early in her life, and she has since developed her skills through a variety of experiences and training. Her work as a Lead Writing Fellow and volunteer writing tutor, as well as her experience as a Graduate Teaching Assistant and private music instructor, make her an excellent fit for this role. We are confident that her expertise will greatly benefit our undergraduate students.


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