Our Peer Tutors

A student and a peer tutor discussing a paper at the drop-ins in Dana Porter Library
Peer Tutors

Our peer tutor team is made up of University of Waterloo upper year undergraduate and graduate students from a variety of faculties and academic backgrounds who are trained to provide one-to-one support for students on any writing and communication task. Work with our peer tutors in The Write Spot, at Drop-ins at Dana Porter Library, and in online evening and weekend appointments.

All of our tutors are trained to work with students to identify areas of growth and next steps for an assignment or communication task, and we provide them with the resources needed to achieve their goals. Our work is driven by writing centre research and scholarship. 

Students often return to work with tutors regularly, and we love to build ongoing tutoring relationships with students at all stages, from first-year undergraduates to dissertators. 

Meet Our Peer Tutors

Graduate Peer Tutors

Graduate Peer Tutors are graduate student peer tutors, and they work with Master's and PhD students and Postdocs in all faculties. You can find them in The Write Spot, at the drop-ins at Dana Porter Library, and in online appointments.

Undergraduate Peer Tutors

Undergraduate Peer Tutors are upper year undergraduate students, and the work with other undergraduate students in all faculties. You can find them in The Write Spot, at the drop-ins in Dana Porter Library, and in online appointments.

Arts First Peer Ambassadors

The Arts First Peer Ambassadors support the Writing and Communication Centre's partnership with the Arts First program by providing individual writing and communication support for Arts First students, working with Arts First instructors to answer questions and promote our services, and helping to develop resources and workshops tailored to the Arts First program.

Have questions? Want to find an appointment time that works for you? Contact us at wc02@uwaterloo.ca