5 reasons to visit the Writing and Communication Centre

Tuesday, May 8, 2018
by Magdalena Bentia


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Writing is a necessary skill no matter your program or academic year. Fortunately, most universities and colleges offer a free resource centre for assistance with improving this skill. If you ever struggle or need a helping hand with academic writing, the Writing and Communication Centre (WCC) is the place to be! If you still aren't convinced, here are five reasons to visit us. 

1. We can provide feedback on the clarity of your written work

Source: giphy.com

Getting your point across verbally can be easier than writing it down. Without body language or facial expressions, telling your audience what you want to can be a daunting task. This is where the Writing and Communication Centre comes in! We can read your work and provide you with feedback on how well your ideas are expressed.

2. It's free for all students

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Source: giphy.com

They say the best things in life are free and this is just another example of that! The Writing and Communication Centre provides the service of a high-end tutor without the cost. 

3. We are here to help whether you are fluent in English or learning 

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Source: giphy.com

The Writing and Communication Centre is available to anyone who wants to improve their writing whether they are fluent in English or if English is their second language. Staff are highly trained to explain the grammar and syntax rules so that you know why we write the way we do!

4. Both drop-ins and appointments are available to fit your busy schedule 

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Source: giphy.com

Balancing all your classes and extracurricular activities is not easy, which is why we have a variety of different times available to fit your needs. If you would like to book ahead of time or have a longer appointment, feel free on WCONLINE. If you don't know when you'll be free, come to our daily drop-ins at DP, DC or AHS. Either way, we are here to help. 

5. Not knowing where to start

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Source: giphy.com

Say you've read the assignment; done your research; asked your professor; and yet, you're still stuck getting your ideas down. The Writing and Communication Centre can help you with your writer's block by brainstorming or going through your outline with you. Although the WCC is not here to write it for you, having a conversation about your ideas will lead to a better understanding of how to begin.

But don’t take my word for it; come see for yourself!