Now that the new term has started, our three co-ops have arrived and are ready to help out at drop-ins and appointments! Learn more about our new co-op students.
My name is Kate, and I’m excited to be back at the Writing Centre for my second term as a peer tutor. I’m currently an undergrad in my fourth year of studying Rhetoric and Professional Writing. I also have experience writing blogs and managing social media accounts for multiple businesses, and I’m always interested in discussing online media and the ways one can adapt their writing to be most successful in an increasingly digital landscape. Over the next four months, I’ll be helping to staff the Writing Centre’s drop-ins and holding a few one-on-one appointments each week, so feel free to come find me for writing help this term!
My first love is reading, particularly graphic novels and young adult books with themes related to mental illness or LGBTQ+ issues. I also have a passion for knitting, which led me to become the co-founder and president of UW’s knitting club. Finally, I’m a big fan of trivia, an interest I pursue by participating in trivia nights with my girlfriend and by creating and curating quizzes on Sporcle, my favourite trivia site. If you ever want to chat about books, crafts, or fun facts, please track me down!
After my graduation next spring, I hope to attend George Brown’s American Sign Language interpreting program to earn my Bachelor of Interpretation degree. I first developed a curiosity about ASL in high school, where my tendency to gesture wildly while I spoke led a few people to ask me if I knew sign language. After conducting some research on the topic, I became fascinated with this complex visual language and the rich Deaf culture that surrounds it. Since moving to Waterloo, I’ve been working my way through the night courses in ASL offered at Conestoga College. I look forward to completing ASL 104 this term. Between working with students on their writing during the days, running my knitting club and studying ASL in the evenings, and having plenty of time to practice hobbies on the weekend, this co-op term is shaping up to be an amazing experience.
Hi! My name is Catharina Wicks and I am one of the three co-op student working at the writing centre this winter term. I am excited to be a part of the University of Waterloo’s Writing and Communication Centre and I look forward to getting to know the students and the staff. I am currently in my second year of of Honours Chemistry and I plan on completing a minor in Fine Arts. I am passionate about education, communication, and helping students develop their skills within writing and communication.
I enjoy volunteering on campus and being involved within my own faculty. This past fall, I got the opportunity to be a Science Orientation Leader. I met so many new people and I was able to interact with and help orient the new first years to campus and university life. I also volunteer with Let’s Talk Science, where students from the university present science-related workshops to elementary and secondary school classes. I help out with events on campus such as Chemistry Lab Days and Science Open House. I am also a Science Ambassador for the University of Waterloo. I help with recruitment events where I am able to answer questions and tell personal experiences to prospective students, and I give Science Tours to prospective students. I enjoy all of the outreach activities the most because I am able to connect with others who also have a passion for science and I am able to teach and guide them through different material within the sciences.
For the past two years, I have enjoyed teaching children techniques in visual arts and developing their creativity. I love to teach and I hope to one day be a high school Chemistry and Visual Arts teacher, teaching both of my passions. I love to read, draw, dance, watch movies, and bake.
Over the next four months, you can find me at the Writing Centre’s drop-in hours at the Davis Centre Library and Dana Porter Library, and a couple time a week I am also available for appointments. I look forward to helping students develop their writing and communication skills!
Hi! My name is Ariel. I am working as a peer tutor this winter semester and am very excited to be joining the University of Waterloo’s Writing and Communication Centre, as I am extremely passionate about writing, communication, and education. I look forward to working with students during drop-in sessions and one-on-one appointments!
I am currently studying Honours English Literature and French at the University of Waterloo. Next semester I will be going into the fourth year of my program and look forward to taking more courses, especially Shakespeare at the Stratford Festival!
I am passionate about various genres of communication and have previously worked as a Teaching Assistant for Speech Communication 204: Leadership, Teams, and Communication. In my past co-op jobs I worked as a Live-In Personal Support Worker at L’Arche for people with developmental disabilities and I also worked for two terms as a tutor at Seneca College. I really enjoy working with others and helping them discover all that they are capable of!
I also enjoy volunteering; last semester I volunteered at Westmount Public School, assisting students to improve their reading abilities, which was an incredibly rewarding experience. This volunteer experience deepened my love of working with children and teaching. I am also part of a group called Alliance Against Poverty, which campaigns to end poverty in the region, as well as on a wider scale. In the past, I also volunteered at KidsAbility at their therapeutic toy lending facility and at The Working Centre through their Speak English Café program.
I am passionate about environmental issues and have been involved in election campaigns with the Green Party of Canada. I am a leader of the UW Young Greens club on campus. My other interests include writing (especially environmental literary criticism), reading, playing guitar (poorly), gardening, biking, and cooking. I am excited to learn from students this semester and improve my own communication, while assisting others as well!