Have you ever tried getting Google Translate to rap before? It’s probably one of the funniest things you can do with translate, outside of totally messing with Disney songs. When I’m not using translate as a means to laugh though, I’m using it to revise my essay by having Google read it out loud to me. Granted, that usually is also very funny, as the automated voice has a habit for tripping over lengthy sentences as well as butchering incorrect spelling of words. Use that last bit with caution though, Google Translate does have a habit for pronouncing everyday words like “get” very wrong.
How should you revise a paper then?
Well, the right answer to that question, is however you want. I can’t tell you how to write, but I can suggest some tips and tricks I have learned over my 3 years in uni.
Lesson #1
Try your best to NEVER schedule your editing time on the same day you plan on finishing your assignment. That means, don’t write the paper the day before and expect to have the necessary brain power to edit. The cliché is that Rome wasn’t built in a day, but the reality is that your paper reads like it was written in a day, especially when you don’t budget your time. I speak from experience here, I have had moments where I use the wrong “there, their, or they’re” because I was sleep deprived and decided to edit 20 minutes after I finished writing.

Lesson #2
Try editing your own work first, before you get a second set of eyes to help catch any lingering mistakes. I’m someone who emotionally attaches to their work, so anything anyone says about my work is like telling my dog that he isn’t a good boy, it’s just uncalled for and mean.

Lesson #3
Be kind to yourself! Writing isn’t about how good your first draft turns out, but more so about how good your work ends up being in your mind. If you love it, and you’re proud of it, then you’ve already succeeded. Try not to focus on the grade that comes back with it, as a person you are defined, not by numbers in sequence, but the memories you make through life’s moments. Give yourself credit for working hard, and doing the best work you could at the time. If you really aren’t content with the way your work is turning out check out the resources on campus. The WCC is available with bookable appointments or drop-in appointments. You’ve also got your professor who sets office hour time aside specifically to interact with their students, you have every right to use it! Plus, if your class has a TA, then reach out to them with your concerns, like your prof, they are there to aid you, and want to see you succeed.

So, next time you start revising, I hope you paste your essay in Google Translate and give yourself some time to laugh, because that voice is hilarious (#sorrynotsorrygoogle). Until then, I hope someone creates a true rap song using Google Translate, because I would definitely listen to that. And of course, never forget to always #writelikeawarrior!