
I bet you communicate with someone somehow every day without thinking too much about it.  You text your friends, call your parents, speak with people in class, and use many other forms of communication within your daily life.  However, when you go to email your prof to set up a meeting, or go to ask them a question after class I bet you are just a little nervous almost every time.  You make excuses for not asking your questions; you make your questions sound less important, less needed, or even down right dumb.  Most students make their questions seem unvalued or unreasonable: “I don’t want

I’m sure you know the stressful feeling when midterms are either just around the corner or already happening.  As midterms come around the corner, it feels like students simultaneously take out their blinders, put them on and think “no distractions, only study”.  Everyone becomes machinelike; you feel as if you can read the notes someone else studied the night before because they are etched so deep into their brain that you can see it in their eyes.