Treat Yo Self (Well)

Friday, February 12, 2016
by Jameson Ngo

Me holding up a sign that says

I’ve been wanting to write a post about confidence for a while now, but I never really knew how to.

At drop-ins, I’m noticing that students have a tendency to discredit their writing skills. I always try to reassure them, but they never really believe me, and I can sense how embarrassed and vulnerable they feel. And that really sucks.

Me, hiding my face and acting embarrased.

Sometimes I see students that love to write and learn; I see students that love their writing, and are comfortable with who they are. And frankly, I’m jealous, because I used to be like that: comfortable.

Where did that all go? How do I get that back?

Well, I don’t know.

I can’t tell you how be confident because I don’t know how to be confident.

Me, shrugging my shoulders, saying

When I write, I’m never satisfied with the results. There’s always something wrong. And sometimes it’s like, jeez I never want to write again.

There are moments when I really do like my writing. But more often than not, I don’t. More often than not, I feel bad.

Me, holding up a drawn graph that shows confidence decreasing with age.

And I wonder why I’m always so critical with myself. Maybe it’s a universal thing? Maybe it’s because of the education system? My parents? Societal pressure? Who knows?

But that doesn’t matter, does it? What matters is how I make myself feel better.

What I do is remind myself that writing is a process, and that, like any other skill, it takes time to improve. I remind myself that I’m in school for a reason. I’m here to learn, to find myself, and, most importantly, to have fun.

What I also do is read sappy romance stories, and get a good couple (dozens) of cries. (Send me some tear-jerkers you’ve read!)

Me wearing earphones, listening to Beyonce's single

Also, I’ve found that listening to Beyoncé helps me a lot.

But you do you; treat yo self. If you need permission or an excuse, I'm giving you one right now.

I think I’m getting better at this self-confidence thing. I hope you are too.

Me giving you 2 thumbs up, and wishing you good luck!

Best of luck,
