Writing Centre Open House - Writing Mural

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
by Chao Yang

Writing Centre mural with writing and comments all over it

Did you miss attending our Open House on September 16? You missed some great food, excellent information, and having some fun with words. We asked our visitors to tell us about their writing habits on our Writing Centre mural. Below are some samples of what was written.

I am a writer because…

I am good at it


I have to be (ditto)

I enjoy pain

I love it! (me too) I want to be remembered

I must

I can’t abide being silent

It makes me happy

It’s what I do

It helps me think! It’s a way to express myself

I can be creative

Words are my thoughts

It keeps me organized

I enjoy sharing knowledge and stories I need an outlet to express my thoughts.
My Writing is like…
Okay ;)

A dog’s dinner (till I struggle to clean it up)

A well-tuned instrument

Really not okay…some would say subpar…

A slow-motion car crash

A work in progress

A flowing river

An important opportunity to improve

A hot mess!
An extension of myself


Mural image of the When I write,... prompt

When I write…
Ideas sort themselves out I make a cup of tea and close the door

I eat a lot of chocolate

I braindump then edit

My mind flies

I need silence

It usually has too many commas (#truth)

I use too many hashtags #hastag

#me #too

I would rather write than…


Edit my own work

Read critical theory Struggle communicating verbally

Study for exams

Exercise Starve

Eat mushrooms

Do math (yes. X 1 million)

Be overwhelmed by talking endlessly


Mural image of the When writing gets hard, I prompt

When writing gets hard, I….


Give up

Listen to music

Read something well-written for inspiration

Take a break

Keep calm and drink tea


Talk it out

Switch medium

Go for a walk

Watch funny YouTube videos Free write about why

Cry. (This. Also… No. Just this.)

Go to the Writing Centre!

What about you? Email us with your responses to these questions and let us know how you feel about writing.

Blog Post by Valerie Smith