Thinking of changing your major to procrastination? Don’t!
Join us for UWaterloo’s third annual event: Long Night Against Procrastination in the Student Life Centre.
Get started on your writing, with experts on hand to help you with your time-management, research, and writing questions. Get tips and strategies for managing stress, and academic and extra-curricular workload.
This event includes optional workshops to get you back on track.
Prizes, coffee, and snacks will be available for participants throughout the evening. As well, a furry visitor from MATES will come to mingle with you between 7:30-9:30 pm.
This event is brought to you by the Writing Centre, the Library, FEDS, Athletics and Recreation, Academic Integrity, Counselling & Health Services, and Housing & Residence.
First 100 participants win a wellness package!
For more information, contact: Mandy Penney or Chao Yang.