About Academic Support Computing Representatives Group

Academic Support Computing Representatives (ASCR's) are the first point of contact for staff in their department who may be experiencing computer problems.

ASCR's share relevant computing information within their department and attend the ASCR meetings held once per term to stay up to date on changes coming and other helpful information. They work closely with their IST Account Rep on solving more complex problems, and are instrumental in helping with larger projects and changes.

ASCR's are added to the IST admin-support mailing list and the AS Computing Reps MS Team for timely information sharing.

Your IST Account Rep is available to provide you with advice and support in person or online. Contact them through the IST Account Rep Request form.

If you have an urgent problem, please call the IST Service Desk, extension 84357, or send an email message to helpdesk@uwaterloo.ca . Please be sure to copy your IST Account Rep when sending your email.