Journal publications
[2024] Nourhan Abdulazeem, Nils Sichert, Ji Yuan Feng, Yue Hu, “Quantifying Human Mental State in Interactive pHRI: Maintaining Balancing”, IEEE-RAS Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), accepted.
[2024] Anas Mahdi, Zonghao Dong, Jonathan Lin, Yue Hu , Yasuhisa Hirata, Katja Mombaur , "Real-time Sit-to-Stand Phase Classification with a Mobile Assistive Robot From Close Proximity Utilizing 3D Visual Skeleton Recognition", IEEE-RAS Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). Link to paper.
[2024] Geoffrey Hanks, Gentiane Venture, Yue Hu, Comparing Skill Transfer Between Full Demonstrations and Segmented Sub-Tasks for Neural Dynamic Motion Primitives. Machines, 12(12), 872. Open access.
[2024] Naoko Abe, Yue Hu, Mehdi Benallegue, Natsuki Yamanobe, Gentiane Venture, Eiichi Yoshida. Human Understanding and Perception of Unanticipated Robot Action in the Context of Physical Interaction. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI). (accepted, link to paper)
[2023] Nourhan Abdulazeem, Yue Hu. Human Factors Considerations for Quantifiable Human States in Physical Human-Robot Interaction: A Literature Review. In Special Issue "Robotic Contact with the Human Body in Physical Human–Robot Interaction", MDPI Sensors. Open access.
[2023] Patrick M Wensing, Michael Posa, Yue Hu, Adrien Escande, Nicolas Mansard, Andrea Del Prete. Optimization-Based Control for Dynamic Legged Robots. IEEE-RAS Transaction on Robotics (T-RO). Preprint.
[2022] Yue Hu, Naoko Abe, Mehdi Benallegue, Natsuki Yamanobe, Gentiane Venture, Eiichi Yoshida. Toward Active Physical Human–Robot Interaction: Quantifying the Human State During Interactions. In IEEE Transaction on Human-Machine Systems (THMS). Preprint.
[2020] Yue Hu, Mehdi Benallegue, Gentiane Venture, Eiichi Yoshida. Interact with me: an Exploratory Study on Interaction Factors for Active Physical Human-Robot Interaction. In IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). Preprint.
[2020] Giulio Romualdi, Stefano Dafarra, Yue Hu, Prashanth Ramadoss, Francisco Javier Andrade Chavez, Silvio Traversaro, Daniele Pucci. A Benchmarking of DCM-Based Architectures for Position, Velocity and Torque-Controlled Humanoid Robots. In International Journal of Humanoid Robots (IJHR). Preprint.
[2018] Debora Clever, Yue Hu, Katja Mombaur. Humanoid gait generation in complex environments based on template models and optimality principles learned from human beings. In International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR).
[2018] Yue Hu, Katja Mombaur. Bio-Inspired Optimal Control Framework to Generate Walking Motions for the Humanoid Robot iCub Using Whole Body Models. In MDPI Applied Sciences. Open access.
Conference publications
[2024] Victoria Yang, Yue Hu, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Towards Robot-Assisted Learning for Refugee Children and their Families - Interviews with Professionals, International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR).
[2024] Anas Mahdi, Zonghao Dong, Yue Hu, Yasuhisa Hirata, Katja Mombaur, Enabling Safe Sit-to-Stand Support With Mobile Robots: 3D Visual Pose Estimation in Close Quarters and Support Adaptation, International Conference on Neurorehabilitation (ICNR2024)
[2023] Nourhan Abudlazeem, Yue Hu. The Impact of Robots’ Facial Emotional Expressions on Light Physical Exercises. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR).
[2023] Cheng Tang, Y. Feng, Yue Hu. RoboSync: Efficient Real-Time Operating System for Social Robots with Customizable Behaviour. International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR).
[2021] Marie Yamamoto, Yue Hu, Enrique Coronado, Gentiane Venture. Impression evaluation of robot’s behavior when assisting humans in a cooking task. In IEEE RO-MAN.
[2021] Yue Hu, Naoko Abe, Mehdi Benallegue, Natsuki Yamanobe, Gentiane Venture, Eiichi Yoshida. Active Physical Human-Robot Interaction: an experiment towards quantifying human interactions. In 3rd International Jc-IFToMM Symposium.
[2019] Mohamed Elobaid, Giulio Romualdi, Yue Hu, Stefano Dafarra, Jan Babic, Daniele Pucci. Telexistence and teleoperation for walking humanoid robots. In SAI Intelligent Systems Conference.
[2018] Giulio Romualdi, Stefano Dafarra, Yue Hu, Daniele Pucci. A Benchmarking of DCM Based Architectures for Position and Velocity Controlled Walking of Humanoid Robots. In IEEE-RAS Humanoids.
[2017] Yue Hu, Katja Mombaur. Optimal control based push recovery strategy for the iCub humanoid robot with series elastic actuators. In IEEE/RSJ IROS.
[2017] Kevin Stein, Yue Hu, Manuel Kudruss, Maximilien Naveau, Katja Mombaur. Closed loop control of walking motions with adaptive choice of directions for the iCub humanoid robot. In IEEE-RAS Humanoids.
[2017] Yue Hu, Katja Mombaur. Influence of compliance modulation on human locomotion. In IEEE ICRA.
[2016] Yue Hu, Jorhabib Eljaik, Kevin Stein, Francesco Nori, Katja Mombaur. Walking of the iCub humanoid robot in different scenarios: Implementation and performance analysis. In IEEE-RAS Humanoids.
[2016] Yue Hu, Katja Mombaur. Analysis of human leg joints compliance in different walking scenarios with an optimal control approach. In IEEE ICRA.
[2016] Yue Hu, Francesco Nori, Katja Mombaur. Squat motion generation for the humanoid robot iCub with Series Elastic Actuators. In IEEE-EMBS BioRob.
[2015] Stephane Caro, Damien Chablat, Yue Hu. Algorithm for the Actuation Mode Selection of the Parallel Manipulator NAVARO. In 38th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference.
[2014] Yue Hu, Martin Felis, Katja Mombaur. Compliance analysis of human leg joints in level ground walking with an optimal control approach. In IEEE-RAS Humanoids.
Book chapters
[2017] Katja Mombaur, Heike Vallery, Yue Hu, et al.. Control of Motion and Compliance. In Bioinspired Legged Locomotion.
Extended abstracts
[2023] A. Mahdi, Z. Dong, J. FS. Lin, Y. Hu, Y. Hirata and K. Mombaur. Improving Elderly Mobility: A Brief Introduction of Robot SkyWalker for Walking \& Sit-To-Stand Assistance. Assistive Robotics for Citizens Workshop, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots (IROS).
[2022] Y. Hu, N. Abe, M. Benallegue, N. Yamanobe, G. Venture and E. Yoshida. Workshop on Multidisciplinary Approaches for pHRI, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
[2019] Yue Hu, Mehdi Benallegue, Gentiane Venture, Eiichi Yoshida. Interact with me: active physical human robot interaction. In Workshop on Progress in Ergonomic Human-Robot Collaboration (IROS2019).
[2019] Yue Hu, Mehdi Benallegue, Gentiane Venture, Eiichi Yoshida. Interact with me: first insights into active pHRI. In Workshop on Human Movement Science for Physical Human-Robot Collaboration (ICRA2019).
[2017] Yue Hu, Katja Mombaur. Walking of the iCub Humanoid Robot with Series Elastic Actuators: an Optimal Control Approach. In Workshop on Human Movement Understanding for Humanoidsand Wearable Robots (IROS2017).
[2015] Yue Hu, Francesco Nori, Katja Mombaur . Squat motion generation for the humanoid robot iCub with Series Elastic Actuators. In Dynamic Walking.
[2017] Yue Hu. The role of compliance in humans and humanoid robots locomotion. PhD Dissertation, Heidelberg University.