Research Projects

This page is under construction and displays a non-exhaustive list of research projects currently happening.

General research directions

Active and funded projects

Past projects

General research directions

  • Active Human-Robot Interaction

    • ​Goal: get robots closer to humans (and vice-versa)
    • Approach:
      • Understand the human from quantifiable measurements (human state model).​
      • Develop active controllers that allow the robot to take the proper actions based on the measurements.
General approach to active HRI
Active pHRI experiment, with motion capture and modeling of the human and of the robot in simulation.
  • Teleoperation and telepresence

    • Goals: develop teleoperation and telepresence interfaces for various type of robots.
    • Approach:
      • Verify the efficiency and perception of different control interfaces (e.g. joystick, full-immersion)
      • Learning from demonstration, skill transfer
VR based telepresence for humanoid robots.
  • Modeling and Control of Collaborative Robots

    • Goal: develop models and control frameworks for collaborative robots, especially for safe interactions with humans
Robot handing a book to a user
A human user and a robot arm perform a handover task.
  • Control of Bipedal Humanoid Robots

    • Goal: develop control framework for bipedal humanoid robots to achieve dynamic walking and physical interactions with people and the environment
A simple bipedal robot walking in different environments.

Active and Funded Projects

Past Projects