Minoli successfully defended her PhD in the summer of 2016.
- M. K. Pathirane, H. Hosseinzadeh-Khaligh, I. A. Goldthorpe, and W. S. Wong, "AZO/Ag-nanowire Composite Electrodes for Flexible 3-Dimensional Nanowire Solar Cells", just accepted, Scientific Reports, 2017
- M. K. Pathirane and W. S. Wong, "Optical and Electrical Characteristics of Hybrid ZnO Nanowire/a-Si:H Solar Cells on Flexible Substrates under Mechanical Bending”, Small,vol. 12, no. 19, pp. 2554-2558, 2016
- N. Dhindsa, J. Walia, M. Pathirane, I. Khodadad, W. Wong and S. S. Saini, “Adjustable Optical Response of Amorphous Silicon Nanowires Integrated with Thin Films”,Nanotechnology, vol. 27, no. 14, pp. 1-9, 2016.
M. Pathirane, B. Iheanacho, A. Tamang, C.-H. Lee, R. Lujan, D. Knipp, and W. S. Wong, “Hybrid ZnO nanowire/a-Si:H thin-film radial junction solar cells using nanoparticle front contacts”, Applied Physics Letters, vol. 107, no. 14, pp. 1-5, 2015.
- A. Tamang, M. Pathirane, R. Parsons, M. M. Schwarz, B. Iheanacho, V. Jovanov, V. Wagner, W. S. Wong, and D. Knipp, “Zinc oxide nanowire arrays for silicon core/shell solar cells”, Optics Express, vol. 22, no. S3, pp. A622-A632, 2014.
- W. S. Wong, M. J. Chow, M. Pathirane, B. Iheanacho, and C-H Lee, “Heterogeneously integrated nanowires and thin films for flexible electronics”, IEEE AM-FPD, pp. 37-40, 2014.
M. Moradi, M. Pathirane, A. Sazonov, R. Chaji, and A. Nathan, “TFTs with High Overlay Alignment for Integration of Flexible Display Backplanes”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 104-107, 2012.
Selected Awards and Honours (2014/2015)
Best Poster Nomination, Materials Research Society (MRS), Spring 2015
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Government of Canada, 2015, one year
University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship, 2015, one year
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Government of Canada, 2014, one year
Selected Conferences (2014 - 2016)
- Gavirneni P., Pathirane M. K., and Wong W. S., (2016) Self-Cleaning and Flexible Radial-Junction Nanowire Solar Cells, Electronics Materials Conference (EMC), Newark, DE
- Pathirane M. K., Gavirneni P., and Wong W. S., (2016) Mechanical Manipulation of Flexible Nanowire Solar Cells, Materials Research Society (MRS), Phoenix, AZ
- Pathirane M., Hosseinzadeh H., Goldthorpe I., and Wong W. S., (2015) Transparent Ag Nanowire Electrodes for 3D Structured Solar Cells, Electronics Materials Conference (EMC), Columbus, OH
- Pathirane M., Iheanacho B., Hosseinzadeh H., Lee C-H., Goldthorpe I., and Wong W. S., (2015) Amorphous Silicon Nanowire Solar Cells on Flexible Substrates, TechConnect World Innovation, Washington, DC
- Pathirane M., Iheanacho B., Hosseinzadeh H., Tamang A, Lee C-H., Goldthorpe I., Knipp D., and Wong W. S., (2015) Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon-based Flexible Nanowire Solar Cells, Materials Research Society (MRS), San Francisco, CA
- Pathirane M., Papadopoulos N., Lee C-H., and Wong W. S., (2014) Heterogeneous Integration for Flexible Electronics, Devices and Sensors, Waterloo, ON