Professor Wong received his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in 1999. From 2000-2010, William was a senior member of research staff at the Palo Alto Research Center (formerly Xerox PARC).
His research is focused on processing and studying electronic and optoelectronic thin-film and nanowire devices. His work includes laser liftoff techniques that enable the present generation of ultra-bright light-emitting diodes (LEDs) for solid-state lighting and novel processing technologies for printed large-area flexible electronics.
He is the holder of 50 U.S. patents (with 35 pending) and 80 publications, including 29 invited talks and 16 invited papers, in the area of electronic materials growth, processing and characterization. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Materials Research Society, an invited organizer of the Electronic Materials Conference, and is on the editorial board of IEEE electron device letters.
- M.L. Chabinyc, W.S. Wong, K.E. Paul, and R.A. Street, “Fabrication of Arrays of Organic PolymericThin-Film Transistors Using Self-Aligned Microfluidic Channels,” Adv. Mater. 15,1903-1907 (2003).
- K.E. Paul, W.S. Wong, S.E. Ready, and R.A. Street, “Additive Printing of Polymer Thin-film Transistors,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 83, 710 (2003).
- M.L. Chabinyc, W.S. Wong, A. Salleo, K.E. Paul, and R.A. Street, “Organic polymeric thin-film transistors fabricated by selective dewetting,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 4260 (2002).
- Invited – W.S. Wong, M. Kneissl, D.W. Treat, M. Teepe, N. Miyashita, A. Salleo, and N.M. Johnson,“Continuous-wave InGaN Laser Diodes on Copper and Diamond Substrates,” J. Mater. Res. 17, 890 (2002).
- W.S. Wong, S. Ready, R. Matusiak, S.D. White, J.-P. Lu, J. Ho, and R.A. Street, “Jet-printed fabrication of a-Si:H thin-film transistors and arrays,” J. Non-Cryst. Solids 299-302, 1335 (2002).
- W.S. Wong, S. Ready, R. Matusiak, S.D. White, J.-P. Lu, J. Ho, and R.A. Street, “Amorphous silicon thinfilm transistors and arrays fabricated by jet-printing,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 610 (2002).
- Invited – M. Kneissl, W.S. Wong, D.W. Treat, M. Teepe, N. Miyashita, and N.M. Johnson, “CW InGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diodes on copper and diamond substrates by laser lift-off,” Mater. Sci. & Eng.B B93, 68 (2002).
- M. Kneissl, W.S. Wong, D.W. Treat, M. Teepe, N. Miyashita, N.M. Johnson, “Continuous-wave operation of InGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diodes on copper substrates obtained by laser liftoff,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 7, 188 (2001).
- M. Kneissl, W.S. Wong, D.W. Treat, M. Teepe, N. Miyashita, N.M. Johnson, “CW InGaN multiplequantum-well laser diodes on copper substrates,” Phys. Status Solidi. A 188, 23 (2001).
- N. Quitoriano, W.S. Wong, L. Tsakalakos, Y. Cho, T. Sands, “Kinetics of the Pd/In thin-film bilayer reaction: implications for transient-liquid-phase wafer bonding,” J. Electron. Mater. 30, 1371 (2001).
- W.S. Wong, M. Kneissl, P. Mei, D.W. Treat, M. Teepe, and N.M. Johnson, “Continuous-wave InGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diodes on copper substrates,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1198 (2001).
- W.S. Wong, M. Kneissl, P. Mei, D.W. Treat, M. Teepe, and N.M. Johnson, “The Integration of InxGa1-xN Multiple-Quantum-Well Laser Diodes with Copper Substrates by Laser Lift-Off,” Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.39, L1203 (2000).
- E.A. Stach, M. Kelsch, E. C. Nelson, W. S. Wong, T. Sands, and N.W. Cheung, “Structural and chemical characterization of free-standing GaN films separated from sapphire substrates by laser lift-off,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 1819 (2000).
- M. Kneissl, D.P. Bour, P. Mei, L.T. Romano, C.G. Van de Walle, J.E. Northrup, W.S. Wong, D.W. Treat, M. Teepe, T. Schmidt, and N.M. Johnson, “Performance and degradation of continuous-wave InGaN multiple-quantum-well laser diodes on epitaxially overgrown GaN substrates,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 1931 (2000).
- W.S. Wong, N.W. Cheung, T. Sands, M. Kneissl, D.P. Bour, P. Mei, L.T. Romano, and N.M. Johnson, “InxGa1-xN light-emitting diodes on Si substrates fabricated by Pd-In metal bonding and laser lift-off,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 2822 (2000).
- P. Perlin, L. Mattos, N.A. Shapiro, J. Krüger, W.S. Wong, T. Sands, N.W. Cheung, and E.R. Weber, “Reduction of the energy gap pressure coefficient of GaN due to the constraining presence of the sapphire substrate,” J. Appl. Phys. 84, 2385 (1999).
- K.M. Yu, W. Shan, C.J. Glover, M.C. Ridgway, W.S. Wong, and W. Yang, “Local structures of freestandingAlxGa1-xN thin films studied by extended x-ray absorption fine structure,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 4097 (1999).
- W.S. Wong, A.B. Wengrow, Y. Cho, A. Salleo, N.J. Quitoriano, N.W. Cheung, and T. Sands, “Integration of GaN thin films with dissimilar substrate materials by Pd-In metal bonding and laser lift-off,” J. Electron. Mater. 28,1409 (1999).
- W.S. Wong, K.M. Yu, A.B Wengrow, J. Krüger, E.R. Weber, N.W. Cheung, and T. Sands, “Structural and optical quality of GaN/metal/Si heterostructures fabricated by excimer laser lift-off,” Appl. Phys. Lett.75, 1887 (1999).
- W.S. Wong, N.W. Cheung, T. Sands, M. Kneissl, D.P. Bour, P. Mei, L.T. Romano, and N.M. Johnson, “Fabrication of thin-film InGaN light-emitting diode membranes by laser lift-off,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 1360 (1999).
- G.S. Sudhir, H. Fujii, W.S. Wong, C. Kisielowski, N. Newman, C. Dieker, Z. Liliental-Weber, M. D. Rubin, and E. R. Weber, “Pulsed laser deposition of aluminum nitride and gallium nitride thin films,” Appl. Surf. Sci. 127, 472 (1998)
- G S. Sudhir, H. Fujii, W.S. Wong, C. Kisielowski, N. Newman, C. Dieker, Z. Liliental-Weber, M. D. Rubin, and E. R. Weber, “Control of the structure and surface morphology of gallium nitride and aluminum nitride thin films by nitrogen background pressure in pulsed laser deposition,” J. Electron. Mater. 27, No. 4, 215 (1998).
- W.S. Wong, T. Sands, and N.W. Cheung, “Damage-free separation of GaN thin films from sapphire substrates,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 72, 599 (1998).
- J.S. Chan, L.F. Schloss, E. Jones, W.S. Wong, A. Gassmann, E.R. Weber, M.D. Rubin and N.W. Cheung “Thermal annealing characteristics of Si and Mg-implanted GaN thin films,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2702 (1996).
- H.K. Dong, N. Y. Li, W.S. Wong, and C.W. Tu, “Growth, doping, and etching of GaAs and InGaAs using tris-dimethylaminoarsenic,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 51, 159 (1996).
- N.Y. Li, H. K. Dong, W.S. Wong, and C.W. Tu, “An evaluation of alternative precursors in chemical beam epitaxy: tris-dimethylaminoarsenic, tris-dimethylaminophosphorus, tertiarybutylphosphine,” J. Cryst. Growth 164, 112 (1996).
- N.Y. Li, W.S. Wong, D.H. Tomich, H.K. Dong, and C.W. Tu, “Growth study of chemical beam epitaxy of GaNxP1-x using NH3 with tertiarybutylphosphine,” J. Cryst. Growth 164, 180 (1996).
- N.Y. Li, W.S. Wong, D.H. Tomich, K.L. Kavanagh, and C.W. Tu, “Study of strain relaxation in GaNxP1-x (xB14, 2952 (1996).
- W.S. Wong, N.Y. Li, H.K. Dong, F. Deng, S.S. Lau, and C.W. Tu, “Growth of GaN by gas-source molecular beam epitaxy by ammonia and by plasma generated nitrogen radicals,” J. Cryst. Growth 164, 159 (1996).