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Cort Egan
Director, External Relations and Communications, Renison University College
519-884-4404 x28605
REN 2601A
Contact for:
Fundraising, Communications, Stewardship
Kim Madume
Development Assistant
519-884-8110 x28360
STJ 1002
Contact for:
Managing all administrative functions to support its efficient and effective operation: donor information, prospect identification, and support with executing the fundraising strategy
Fred Martin
Director, Advancement, Conrad Grebel University College
519-885-0220 x24381
CGR 2109
Contact for:
Fundraising, Alumni, Communication, Events, Community Relations
Nancy Schnarr
Communications Manager, Renison University College
519-884-4404 x28735
REN 2603
Contact for:
Renison Alumni and Donor monthly newsletter, Renison Alumni feature profiles, Renison Annual Alumni/Donor magazine, Renison Reports, Management of central Renison social media channels and website
Hayley Winters
Manager, Development & Alumni Relations, St. Jerome's University
519-884-8110 x28301
STJ 1001
Contact for:
All Fundraising, Donor, and Alumni Relations for St. Jerome's University