Waterloo researchers are testing innovative new AI and machine learning technologies to address Canada’s pilot shortage

By Waterloo Institute for Sustainable Aeronautics

With Canada in need of airplane pilots, University of Waterloo researchers are using artificial intelligence (AI) to help more of them take flight.

At the heart of it all, WISA utilizes AI and training machine learning algorithms to help instruct more pilots.

\“The core idea of our research is to see how accurately AI could help assess pilot performance and support instructors in pilot training,” explains Dr. Shi Cao, a professor in Systems Design Engineering who leads the project. “The goal is not to replace humans with AI, but to assist and support humans with AI.”

According to the Canadian Council for Aviation and Aerospace, Canada faces a significant pilot shortage, needing 7,300 more pilots by 2025. Cao, an expert in human-factors engineering, believes solving this requires collaboration across industry, government and academia.

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