

Dr. Alexander Wong (OPEA Engineering Medal)

Alex Wong

Congratulations to Professor Dr. Alexander Wong, P.Eng. for winning the OPEA Engineering Medal for Entrepreneurship for his world-leading work in integrative medical imaging systems and responsible artificial intelligence.

Blake VanBerlo (Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship)

Blake VanBerlo

Congratulations to PhD candidate Blake VanBerlo for winning the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship for his research on self-supervised learning of deep neural networks in the field of lung ultrasound imaging. For more information, visit the article here.

Shu-feng Tsao (CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship)

Shu-feng Tsao

Congratulations to PhD candidate Shu-feng Tsao (SPHS), who received a 2-year CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship (Postdoc) at the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), through working on generative AI algorithms and synthetic health data governance framework.

Sriram Ganapathi Subramanian (CAIA Best Doctoral Dissertation Award)

sriram headshot

Congratulations to Vector Institute Postdoctoral Fellow Sriram Ganapathi Subramanian for being awarded the Best Doctoral Dissertation Award from the Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association for 2023 for his thesis on multi-agent reinforcement learning. Click here to read more.

Nick Tornevliet and Yizhe Liu (CVPR 2023 Ultrasound Dataset Challenge)


Congratulations to Nick Tornevliet (PhD candidate) and Yizhe Liu (MaSc candidate) for winning the 2nd place in the CVPR 2023 challenge leaderboard on Deep Learning in Ultrasound Image Analysis challenge “The Ultrasound Dataset Challenge”.

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