Waterloo professor introduces AI in his course and equips students with skills to respond to big problems in tech

By Darren McAlmont

University Relations

As artificial intelligence (AI) challenges us to reimagine new ways of doing and being, Dr. Marcel O’Gorman, professor of English Language and Literature, embraces emerging technologies and applies them to his pedagogy in the classroom.  

O’Gorman has published widely about the impacts of technology, and his most recent research focuses on how critical and inclusive design methods might help tackle some of the moral and ethical issues faced by contemporary technoculture. 

O’Gorman recently wrapped up teaching a fourth-year undergraduate course on techno-critical writing and design that focused on key issues around responsible innovation, such as algorithmic bias, conflict minerals and the colonial practices of big tech on the global stage. Students applied what they learned by writing and designing projects throughout the course. 

Read the full article from Waterloo News to learn more.