Transformative AI innovations, data and ethics are the focus across digital health academia, clinical practice and industry

By: Jordan Flemming

University Relations

Digital Health 2024 at Stanford University showcased successful collaborations among tech and life science companies, government organizations and academia in advancing digital health solutions. As health technologies evolve, they present unprecedented challenges and opportunities to improve patient care and individual health outcomes. From remote monitoring to artificial intelligence (AI) diagnostics, these technologies facilitate data collection, analysis and innovative life-changing therapies.

Here are the key takeaways from this year’s summit, which will be hosted at the University of Waterloo in 2025.

Universities play a vital role in driving ethical implementation of technologies in health care by fostering collaboration, conducting advanced research and educating future health professionals. As hubs of innovation and knowledge exchange, universities are equipped to explore ethical implications of emerging technologies and developing frameworks to ensure their responsible use.

This exploration informs policymakers, health-care practitioners, and industry stakeholders, guiding ethical decision-making and regulatory frameworks for technology implementation.

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