Co-op students are helping to overcome challenges by implementing machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) in industry applications at SINTEF, one of Europe’s largest research institutes.

By Krista Henry (she/her)

SINTEF is one of the industry partners involved in the International Work-Integrated-Learning in Artificial Intelligence (IWIL AI) project funded by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HKDIR). IWIL AI is a partnership with Waterloo’s Co-operative and Experiential Education team, Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute (Waterloo.AI) and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

The four-year project promotes the value of co-op/WIL and its intersection with applied research. Since last fall, SINTEF has received funding through IWIL AI for three Waterloo co-op students to work in Norway.

SINTEF’s research creates solutions and innovations in technology, natural sciences and social sciences. At SINTEF, Waterloo co-op students focus on overcoming challenges in implementing machine learning and AI in a range of different industrial settings.

Riemer-Sørensen’s research group works with sensitive and difficult big data projects.

For her team, having access to the programming skills of Waterloo-co-op students allows for faster implementation and proto-typing of the developed algorithms.

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